Nov. 14, 2023

Why I Decided Now Was the Right Time to Launch Two Offers

Why I Decided Now Was the Right Time to Launch Two Offers

If you’re contemplating selling a bunch of different things, but you’re struggling to generate sales, this episode will reveal my decision-making process on when is the right time to launch new offers.


  • How I decided when was a good time to launch two new offers and what I considered before I did it.
  • Why I don’t believe in just selling one thing but I do believe in timing when to launch more offers.  
  • The key thing to consider when launching multiple offers to make sure they all fit together. 

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INTRO: After generating over a million dollars in sales and selling one of her businesses with a single email, your host, Kathryn Thompson, takes an unconventional approach to marketing and sales. So if you're ready to tap into a more powerful way to be seen, heard, and a sought after entrepreneur in your industry, without having to spend endless hours marketing your business and chasing clients, you're in the right place. Be The Sought After Entrepreneur Podcast is here to help you ditch the cookie cutter, one size fits all approach to marketing and use your unique energy to effortlessly attract the most aligned clients. When you do this, you can spend less time marketing your business and more time doing your soul work and enjoying the richness of your life. Welcome to Be The Sought After Entrepreneur Podcast. And here's your host, Kathryn Thompson.

Hey, hey, Super Soap Theater tuning in this week's episode. I cannot wait to dive in today's topic [00:01:00] because I want to share with you my decision making process for why I decided to launch two new offers and why now felt like the right time and why now felt like these offers were the things I wanted to roll out into the world and why I never really did it before.

And whether or not I believe in the whole principle of having one signature offer and sticking to that and not veering away from that. And I'm sure you can probably guess by now that for me, many of the answers I will always give people are never cut and dry black and white. They always have this nuance.

And so that's what you're going to get here today because the decision making process that I took is likely going to look different than the one you will want to take for your business. And at the end of the day, that's what really matters is that you're making a decision that feels good for you in that moment.

And I want to really preface that whole thing about in that [00:02:00] moment, because I think we can also get equally hung up on thinking so far ahead around how's this all going to work in like five, 10, 15 years from now, or how do I fit all of these things together? And that can really paralyze us in indecision because we're trying to map out something way too far in advance when in reality we can change whatever the hell we want whenever the hell we want, right?

I've had lots of different offerings over the last four and a half years. I've done many things in my life. I've had many different jobs and titles. I've had many different businesses and so. I really want to iterate that at the beginning of this because I think we can get really hung up on, um, like I have to make the decision today and if I don't make that and stick with that, like what's going to happen?

And I, I don't want you to be stuck in indecision. So the first question I'm going to answer is whether or not I believe in having one [00:03:00] signature offer and, or can we have multiple offers? And the principle that I've always taken for myself is that. I want to get really good at selling the one thing I'm really good at.

And then when I'm making sales and creating consistency there in my business, then I would be willing to entertain building out a product suite. But it wouldn't be until I've really mastered the art of selling the thing that I'm selling. For example, when we opened the brick and mortar wine business, and I've shared this before, you know, we could have had, we could have sold beer, we could have done cider, we could have done all the things that people were asking us for, right?

People walked in daily and asked us for beer and cider and, um, can you do like hard alcohol, which is also illegal, distilling, you need a special license for that, but people asked for things. And it can get really, really easy to, to [00:04:00] sway in that moment of wanting to please the people that are asking you for things when you're maybe not quite, quite ready to, to start to bring on different products and services into your business.

And I'm sharing this because I know I have a lot of multi passionates in my world. And oftentimes what I'll see is, is that there's this mentality or notion that if I, just sell 10 different things, then I'm far more likely to make the sales that I want to make in my business because I'm selling 10 things.

When in reality, we haven't mastered the sales skills we need in order to sell even just one thing. And that for me is the key takeaway here is, is that you get really good at selling the one thing, you get really good at delivering that thing. So, for the wine business, it was like, when we first opened, I had never made wine in my life before, really.

Right? So, I was learning all these new skills, and so I really wanted to make sure the product was good that was going out the [00:05:00] door. And that took time. And so, to introduce a bunch of different products out of the gate, would have been like complete disastrous because if I wasn't good at making the wine and then I tried to make beer and I tried to make cider and I was trying to distill hard alcohol, like, I mean, it would have just got really messy, right?

And the same is true for my services. If I try to roll out Spellbound, and 10 other things, I never really would have been focused on one, making sure Spellbound is freaking amazing, and that client delivery there is amazing, and that I'm able to refine that to be amazing, and even more amazing than it already is, because I would be stretched too thin on all of the other things that I was trying to offer as well.

And so there wouldn't be that level of mastery, and even though I know What I'm doing, I've been doing it for over 20 years, even though I know marketing and sales inside out, even [00:06:00] though I've tried pretty much every freaking strategy under the sun, I still needed to master the client delivery, the onboarding, the offboarding, the copy clinic reviews, the curriculum design, all of those sorts of things.

And yes, again, I know what I'm doing and I've mastered marketing and sales so that I can teach it, and copywriting, but... There was a whole other gamut of things I needed to sort of navigate when it came to client delivery and being able to sustain, you know, 20 plus people at a time and delivering exceptional service to them and, and exceptional service of what I promised I would deliver them.

Right? So if I was doing that, I have 20 plus people in there at any given time, and then I'm trying to sell a bunch of other offers and create a bunch of other offers. I'm going to just get stretched energetically. And before I know it. the quality of the work that I'm putting out there just wouldn't be as good as I would want it to [00:07:00] be.

Right? So that was my whole thinking process behind it. And that really does overlay into the brick and mortar. And that really overlaid into corporate, right? How many consulting clients I'd take on at a time, how many projects I'd agree to at any given time, and whether or not I was ready to agree to more, always came back to the thing of like, am I doing, amazing with what I'm doing.

The one thing, have I mastered that? Have I sold that 50 to 100 times, depending on the product and service, right? How many times have I sold that? And do I have that system down packed before I start to try and navigate and sell a bunch of other things? And that's where I see a lot of heel going sideways because we're trying to sell 10 different things and yet we're not really good at selling one.

And So it's not about whether or not you should have one signature offer and not veer from it. It's more about, do you have the skill set to market and sell the [00:08:00] one thing before you start to, you know, introduce a bunch of other things? And do you have the energetic capacity to then sustain what that delivery method would look like, right?

We see this all the time in business where people can scale way too quickly, um, and then fall back on not being able to deliver The product or service in the way that you want to, the quality might go down. The shipping delays might happen as a result of it. I've experienced that with like startup companies that I've loved the product that they rolled out and I invested in.

And then it took six months for me to get it because they didn't anticipate the amount of sales that were going to come in. And that's a great problem to have. But it's also if you were then launching, say you launched 10 other winners alongside that, well, you're going to sink your business because you're going to have a lot of unhappy people.

So the answer, the short answer is for me, I've always, always, always anticipated that I would have a product suite of some sort [00:09:00] that I would offer people. It doesn't mean that I was going to do it all at once. And the other thing is, is that there's so much learning that comes from rolling out one thing, that you then start to master that thing, and then you start to really understand what your people want even more and more and more.

You get more granular with it, you get more nuanced with it, and then you can start to You're welcome. really listen and hear to what they want. And that brings me to the next thing of why I decided these two products, but also why I decided the timing on it, because a year and a half ago, and even beyond that, I was asked to.

Provide and share different products with people at different price points, and I never really did it, although I always had an inkling I wanted to. And the reason was is because I don't think I really, at that point, in a nuanced way, really understood. my human that I want to serve and [00:10:00] support. And that has taken me time to do.

And I shared on the last episode, you know, sometimes it's easy to look in and go, Oh man, that person's experienced so much success. And yet we don't ever really see the failure or the, you know, investigative hat that I've had on to like really listen and tune in and to serve and to have conversations.

Like I've had hundreds of conversations with people, which has led me to. You know, very deeply what people need and what will support them. And I can do that and deliver that. And I also love it, right? The offer architect was something that came to me after having probably hundreds of conversations and really seeing where people are struggling in the online space to sell and how we over complicate sales in a lot of ways.

And that is leading to a lot of people wanting to give up or taking programs and not seeing results and all of the things. And [00:11:00] I'm going to record a whole other episode on that so you can distinguish what you really kind of need to focus on and the difference between a marketing funnel and a sales funnel.

But the other thing that I love about Offer positioning, packaging articulation is like, it's one of my favorite things in the world to do, and so to me it was a no-brainer to create because I absolutely love doing it, and it comes so naturally to me whenever I'm starting a business or helping people start businesses.

is like, that is so innate within me, ingrained in me, and I also can really spot, like, the golden nuggets. I'm like, ooh, that's the angle. Ooh, that's it. Like, I can see it before anybody else can really see it. And that's just my gift I have, and I'm able to bring to the world. And so, When I created the offer architect, I really wanted that to come through.

And so I wanted it to be really simple because I think we make it [00:12:00] really hard. And so the whole design was, I'm going to make this so streamlined and simple. It's going to be seven days. You just have to take bite size steps for seven days. And then I'll audit. Your offer, which is where my zone of genius is and where my gold can come out.

And that for me allowed me to really be in my zone, but also help y'all take bite sized steps and really create some wins for you in your business. So that. Was a no brainer for me and it was one thing that so many people asked me for and I also needed to wait to sort of deliver it and put it out into the world because, like I said, I really, really wanted to sit and spellbound for a while.

And I didn't know the timing of it. I, I, at one point thought I would roll these out, you know, in the summer or late summer, and it just wasn't the right timing. And [00:13:00] so here we are. And then the alchemy of attraction was sort of the next stepping stone where I think people go sideways and they start to launch the, like they start to try to attract people into their business before really having the offer down and they try to market.

And, and grow. And then when it comes time to sell an offer, they've got this audience of people that aren't really interested in the offer. And so I wanted to help people avoid that. And it's not about like growing your list to massive numbers. It's about just having that consistency of people coming into your world who are legitimately interested in what you're.

putting out there. So, long story short is, is that I don't believe in having one signature offer if that's not what you want. If you're multi passionate and bring a lot of gifts to the world and you want to do a bunch of different things, then I highly suggest you do that. But it is gonna be a timing factor in what you kinda wanna time the rollout of these products are and, and my Whole [00:14:00] essence is, is like get good at selling the one thing, and then you can start to introduce other things.

Otherwise, you're just gonna spin frustrated because nothing's selling because you never really got good at the one thing. And then in terms of timing, like I said, I'm so, so grateful that I waited. The amount of time I did because it just enabled me to one, really see my beautiful humans that are in Spellbound and the people that keep joining Spellbound, like where they're at and how I'm supporting them.

But then also the beautiful sales conversations I've had with people who aren't quite ready for Spellbound and what they truly needed and knowing my zone of genius and what I'm capable of bringing to the table knew that I could do this in a very simplified way at a really accessible price point for people.

And that for me is like pure joy. I'm just like, genuinely excited every time I see somebody buy one of those offers. I'm just like, woohoo, this is awesome, because I'm just overjoyed with it, [00:15:00] and I do truly believe that the way in which I teach offer packaging and positioning is really different than anything I've seen out there.

And same with the way in which I talk about attracting people into your world is also quite different. And I know that this can be a real game changer for people, so I'm just really, really excited about it. And then the other big thing I often think about whenever I'm looking to... How to Introduce a New Offer into My Suite is one, how does it fit into my product suite?

How does it work with all of the other things that I'm doing and does it work? And I'm not saying that you have to have like these perfectly curated offers that like build on each other, like have that Ascension model you've seen out there. It doesn't have to be that. It could literally be you could have some products, like physical products in your store and then you could have [00:16:00] like.

some digital products, and then you can have coaching packages, right? You could have a whole merch line. Like, I mean, you, the sky's the limit on what you can do, but it's like, how does it all fit within each other? And the biggest thing that I see in the online coaching space, specifically those that are selling the invisible healing packages, meditations, hypnosis, whatever, somatic work, all of that is that.

There's competition within your product suite and the competition looks like I'm going to have a four pack, an eight pack, a 10 pack session that does all of the same thing. And what that does is, and why I say it's competition, your, your offers are competing with each other is because one, people won't know what to do.

Do I need four sessions or do I need eight? Do I need 10? And the minute people have to start to think about what they may need and whether they fit in x, y, and z offer, you've lost them. And unless they're really, really engaged with you, they're gone. [00:17:00] And by engaged, I mean that you have conversations with your audience, right?

When I rolled out the offer architect and the alchemy of attraction, again, literally within 12 hours they were selling. So I knew that people wanted them and they were waiting for them because they had been asking me. However, I am not a perfect human being and there's always things within my copy and my messaging I need to refine.

And one of the biggest hangups with the Offer Architect was, do I need to take this congruently seven days in a row in order to get the audit? And I was like, wow, okay, that wasn't clear. But I am so engaged with my audience. I communicate with people in the DMs. I communicate with people in the email. I do all of that.

I connect with people. And so they felt like they could reach out to me and ask. I have sales calls with people all the time. And a lot of people that I had already connected with at some point in my journey here reached out and asked for [00:18:00] clarification. And that's a beautiful, beautiful thing. And it's what I call a feedback loop.

And the only way to create that feedback loop in your business is by having conversations with people, because people aren't necessarily going to generally reach out. I get that all the time in the emails. I'm not someone that usually responds, but I feel called to respond. And it's usually because I've had a conversation with them at some point, so they feel like the door is open.

And I teach you how to create that feedback loop in the Offer Architect, but that is a big, big thing that you want to have that open door communication, which is why oftentimes I hear I'm speaking to the void or I'm being friend zoned. And the reason for that is because we're just pushing a message out.

We're not actually having engaged conversation with our people. And it's not about our people reaching out to us and starting that conversation. It's about us reaching out to them and starting it or creating an environment where you can. have conversations, sales calls, [00:19:00] discovery calls, you name it. And sometimes that can feel draining because you're like, Oh man, I'm having all these conversations, but no one's buying.

That will lead you honestly to gold because they're going to tell you what they want. And it's not about you creating an offer that they want. It's about you listening to what they want and going, what's my zone of genius, right? Remember how I said, that is like I wasn't just going to create anything and put it out into the world.

There was lots of things people were asking me for, like how to, um, do a lot of the business setup stuff, like the administrative setup, like, you know, what purchasing platform to get, what kajabi thing to get. Like, none of that is really my jazz. Like, yes, I do. And I've made those decisions, but it's not my zone of genius.

It's not where I feel creative. It feels like nuts and bolts, nitty gritty stuff that is just like business stuff you need to do, but it's just not. Where I want to be providing my creative juices and energy, and so I'm not creating a product on how to get your business off the ground for it from a [00:20:00] tech perspective.

Like that's just not my zone. And so it's about listening to what they want, but then running that through your own system of like a, can I deliver this? Like am I. capable of delivering this and delivering the promise I put out there. And B, do I actually love doing it? Because you're going to get a ton of ideas.

It's similar to the people asking for beer and cider. Like I was like, I'm not really a beer maker and I don't know if I want to go down that route. And then when I investigated, I was like, Ooh, that's complicated and you can really screw up beer a hell of a lot easier than you can wine. No, thank you. So it's, it's really running that through your system of what...

feels right for you. And coming back to that whole like competition piece, if people are unclear about where they fit within your offers, they're not going to buy, and they'll likely not reach out unless you've created that engagement with them. So I often will see that as just these very similar packages.

And usually the logic is, is if I do a four [00:21:00] pack and it's 100 and I do an eight pack and it's 500 and I do a 10 pack and it's a thousand, then I'm going to make a sale somewhere because it'll cover everybody's price point. And that is actually not true. Price is completely subjective. What one person thinks is expensive, somebody will think is cheap and it really boils down again to the offer and how you communicate it, how it's articulated and the perceived value of the person you're selling to.

Not your perceived value, not you being like, oh my, my stuff is so transformational and deeply valuable. It's do they perceive that and has that been communicated? which comes back to the articulation of it. So that's where I see a lot of people go sideways. And that's the big thing I'm often looking at.

Like, how does this fit within the rest of my product suite? And is it competing in any way? Like, would people go? I'm going to get the offer [00:22:00] architect, but I'm never going to sign up for Spellbound now. No, because Spellbound is helping you build the entire system that will help you generate leads kind of on autopilot, but also sales.

It helps a lot with the sales process of it. And marketing and sales is two very different ballgames, which I'm doing a whole episode on that. So stay tuned. It's going to drop next week. Um, Because I think we, we interchanged that and we mixed that up of like, what is marketing and what is sales? And Spellbound is like the all encompassing mentorship where I help you build out the marketing and sales system.

The offer architect is like the first step in the process. Like you have to have a validated offer to really get the value out of Spellbound. If your offer isn't really validated, Spellbound, you're going to spend. Probably the first 30 to 60 days trying to validate your offer and it just won't be worth it because for me the value of spellbound is in the feedback that you get with your copy [00:23:00] but also the optimization, right?

And optimization looks like your clients coming back to your people in your world coming and asking you questions about an offer that they're uncertain about. There's optimization there. right? Because then you have to communicate that and clarify that. Or, you might have a lot of people coming into your world, but for some reason when they, when it comes time to buy, they're not buying.

Well, why is that? Okay, we've got to look at the sales process, right? And if you're doing sales calls, that's a whole other ball game of, of mastery, right? Of like, taking those calls and really navigating that. And I'm not saying this to overwhelm you or to get you to feel like, oh, man, there's a lot here and will I ever...

You can literally sell offers with a single email if you nail the offer piece of it, it's whether or not you want to scale and grow and create that consistent machine in your business that therefore doesn't rely on you having to send an [00:24:00] email or having to post on social consistently. Um, you've got a system in place that allows you to kind of navigate that and then also scale so that you can take on more people if you want.

It all again, comes down to you. You might say, Kathryn, I just want to take the offer architect because that is going to be the thing that helps me sell. And, and I really only want one or two people a month or, you know, Five people every quarter or something like that. And that was totally kosher. But that's why I'm sharing with you how they don't compete with each other because they serve a subset of my community.

One, financially, it's very accessible. And so those that aren't. ready to make the financial commitment for whatever reason. For Spellbound, they can start with these two other offers that are more accessible financially. Two, it's a subset of the community that might not have that validated offer yet, or that consistent lead flow into their business, humans reaching out to them, those conversations happening, then [00:25:00] They're not maybe not quite ready for Spellbound.

And so again, it's like they're not competing with each other. But what I see happen often is like, I'm going to give you a 10 pack of hypnosis, an eight pack of hypnosis, and a four pack and you choose. And that to me is a full competition, because my brain right away goes, Do I need the 10 or do I need the 8 or do I need the 4?

But I'm going to start with the 4. Like I would say 99. 9 percent of the time people will start with the 4. Like why wouldn't you? Well, can I start with the 4 and then go up to the 8? Yeah. Or can I just keep buying 4 packs? Yeah. So I'll just buy the 4 pack. Like why would I buy the 10? Right? The articulation of the value would be something like 10 is going to give you not only the ability to really release and clear the subconscious.

beliefs that are holding you back, but really help you embody and integrate them. And the embodiment and the integration is the thing that's actually what's going to help you sustain long lasting change. I'm getting the 10 [00:26:00] pack. I'm, I'm going to skip the four because the four is more the releasing. Okay, I'm going for the 10, right?

Can you see how, how different that is just in that bit of it? You've got to sell those, but then create the demand. and segregation of them so your audience can see. And that's where most people kind of go sideways. So this was my decision making process of why I decided to launch these two new offers, and also the timing around it, and why I waited the time frame that I did, and why I didn't rush to create them and put them out there.

And Why I chose those two over all of the other requests that I often get, um, like, for example, can you create a program on how to write website copy or can you create a program on how to, um, do Facebook ads, right? There's lots of things that people ask [00:27:00] me for and I'm like, oh, I don't know if I want to teach that or I don't really know if that's where I want to put my energy or there's lots of reasons why I don't.

do that like the Facebook ad one from a passivity perspective is that Facebook is always changing and so that product in my opinion would always be out of date and I would always have to update it if I wanted it to be relevant and therefore To me, it's what I teach in Spellbound, because I can update Spellbound, and Spellbound's like a live, living thing that's constantly running, people are coming into it.

So, I'd rather invest my time in updating those modules within that program, than to have a passive offer that teaches you Facebook ads, to then have to constantly update it, like, that just didn't feel right, good for me. And then the website copy bit of it is, is that, for me, the way in which I do copy is very, very different, and, I can give you the templates and the [00:28:00] scripts on how to do it, but I would way rather walk you through that in Spellbound on how to create that journey that's unique to you, which to me, is done via one to one, and that's the way I love it, because I have that co creation ability, whereas if I was just to do a one off passive offer where I'm teaching you how to write your website copy, That just doesn't jazz me, so it's something I just didn't want to do, whereas the author articulation, super pumped.

And then how to attract people into your world, which is, again, something I'm so pumped about, because it's something that, like I said, I've helped so many people at this point do, and I've done it so, so well, and I do it differently. So, um, So those are the reasons why and then like I said, you know timing it and all of that And so I want to leave you with this notion that if you're questioning or wondering like what products do I put out there and how many do I put out there and You know, do I have to have just one or can I have multiple?

[00:29:00] I'd love for you to like sit back for a moment and just ask yourself this question. Have I mastered selling one? And what is this feeling within me that makes me feel like I have to sell multiple now? Like, what is the reasoning behind it? What's the root? Is it because I believe that if I have a bunch, then I'm going to sell more?

Is it a fear? Is it coming from a place of scarcity, like I need to put more out there? Is it coming from a people pleasing place, that I need to offer all these things that people are asking for? Like only you know the answer to that because again, it's not black or white. It's not cookie cutter. It's not one size fits all.

Um, there is no right or wrong. And I can say that over and over and over again. Um, but at some point you've got to kind of sit with yourself and go. What is my really driving force behind it? What's my motivation? And is it coming from this pure grounded place or is it coming from a frantic place? Is it coming from a, a worry place of like, how does this all fit together?

But [00:30:00] I want to launch all these things. I've got all these ideas. That's okay to have ideas. Some ideas are not designed to act on right now in the moment. And it does take discipline to do that. It takes discipline to do that. Now, if you're a master marketer and a master seller. You might be like... Whatever.

Like I can sell 10 things at once. Yeah, for sure. You probably can cause you're a master at it. But most people in my world, marketing and sales is like foreign language. And so get good at selling the one thing. Get really good at selling that. Get really good at delivering it. Get really good at helping your people get exceptional results.

and watch the magic happen in your business and then get really good at listening to what they're saying so that you can keep a running inventory of things that someday maybe you will launch and someday maybe. You won't, you know, like I have a running list of things people have asked me for and honestly, like I'm, I'm in no rush [00:31:00] to put them out into the world.

I'm in no rush and I think that's the other energetic piece that I want you to sit with, like, what's the rush? What's the rush if you launch your signature offer and you get beautiful people into it, what's the rush to want to run through that and then to launch a bunch of other things? Because I am a multi passionate, and I love to do lots of different things, and I, and I have lots of different ideas.

But I also know that if my ideas never get off the ground, and I'm never actually putting them out into the world and selling them to people, that they're just ideas, and they're not creating the impact I want them to create in the first place. So, I hope this episode has helped give you sort of a behind the peak curtain look at my decision making process and how I really make decisions I think in life and business in general is kind of, I'm never in a rush to make the decision, now that wasn't [00:32:00] always the case, right, um, that wasn't always the case, but I've really gotten good at sitting with it and just knowing that I can make that decision tomorrow, I can make that decision tomorrow and there is no rush and when I do feel rushed to put things out into the world that.

I know I'm coming from some dysregulated place within myself of like, why, why am I feeling this way? Um, and that we have time. I do have time to put it out. And that if it takes me another month or two to put things out into the world, that there's going to still be people there that want it. And that's cool.

So I really hope this has helped. And I really hope that this is maybe given some sort of grounding, calming feeling to the idea that like, yes, I can have a hundred different ideas, but I'm going to run with one at the moment. because I want to get really good at delivering it and that I have the full flexibility to pivot at any point.

I have the full flexibility to add new things in at any point, and it'll all work out and it's all [00:33:00] good. And the more I listen to my audience, the more I sit back and just observe, the more likely I am to, to deliver really exceptional offers that people really, truly want and need, that I don't need to.

You know, do a lot of push force in selling it. I can sell it with a single email. I can sell it with a single story post. And yes, I sound like those annoying people that likely can trigger us on social media, right? I sold this one thing with just one email and this is how I did it. And this really is kind of how you can do it is just getting really good at articulating the value of your offer and then connecting with.

So with that, I'm going to leave you because I'm really excited about next week's episode where I'm going to share with you the difference between marketing and sales and why I believe that the online space has created this overcomplicated way for newer coaches or coaches that have a new offer coming out.

You might have years of mastery, you might have years of experience, but you're wanting [00:34:00] to maybe bring your business online or you're wanting to launch a new offer and. You're looking at what's being taught out there and it feels complicated and clunky. You're going to want to listen to this episode because I'm going to be sharing with you where a lot of us kind of go sideways with this when we're first trying to get something off the ground.

So tune into that. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss when it drops. Cheers.

OUTRO: Thanks for listening. We'll see you right back here next time. You can also find us on social media at CreativelyOwned and online at CreativelyOwned. com. Until next time, keep showing up as your authentic self.