Jan. 16, 2024

The Things We Make Wrong About Ourselves Are Often Our Superpowers

The Things We Make Wrong About Ourselves Are Often Our Superpowers

If you find yourself making something wrong about you and why it’s impacting your path to success, I’d like to invite you to pause for a moment and reflect on this.

I’m sharing in today's podcast, why the things we make wrong about ourselves are often our superpowers.


  • Why the 4 things I used to make wrong about me and how they are actually my superpowers. 
  • How instead of making things wrong about you, get curious about why you think they are wrong in the first place. 
  • How to uncover the parts of you that you’re diluting because you think they are wrong. 

If this episode inspires you somehow, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and let us know your biggest takeaway– whether it’s created those aha moments or given you food for thought on achieving greater success.

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INTRO: After generating over a million dollars in sales and selling one of her businesses with a single email, your host Kathryn Thompson takes an unconventional approach to marketing and sales. So if you're ready to tap into a more powerful way to be seen, heard, and a sought after entrepreneur in your industry, without having to spend endless hours marketing your business and chasing clients, you're in the right place.

Be The Sought After Entrepreneur Podcast is here to help you ditch the cookie cutter, one size fits all approach to marketing and use your unique energy to effortlessly attract the most aligned clients. When you do this. You can spend less time marketing your business and more time doing your soul work and enjoying the richness of your life.

Welcome to Be The Sought After Entrepreneur Podcast. And here's your host, Kathryn Thompson.

Kathryn Thompson: Hey, hey, Super Stoaked to be here. Thank you for tuning in to this week's episode. I cannot wait to dive into today's topic [00:01:00] because I'm going to be sharing with you four things that I've made wrong about myself over my lifetime. Four things that I've tried to fix, four things that I kept telling myself I needed to fix if I wanted to experience the success I wanted, achieve the things that I wanted, and you name it.

And what I realized along this journey is that the things we often make wrong about ourselves, End up being our superpowers. They end up being the things that people see in us and are attracted to within us and want to be around us for those reasons. And so I want this episode to be more of a reflective episode where through my sharing of my four things that you can look within yourself and start to ask yourself, What things have you made wrong about yourself that you're trying to fix?

Or what stories have you been telling yourself that you haven't been able to create the success or the achievements that you want because of X, Y, and Z? [00:02:00] And it's going to make a lot more sense as I share my things with you because these have been four things that I have challenged within myself over my entire life in a lot of ways.

More predominantly I would say in my later 20s, 30s, and now into my 40s. But they are 100 percent the things that I have my clients saying to me on a regular basis and reflecting back to me why they love being in my world, why the energy within my coaching containers are the way that they are. And what's interesting about them is I tried for years to fix these four things because I told myself this story that I would never be able to coach more than five people at a time because I had this thing that was wrong with me.

I would never be able to, you know, help people create the results they wanted because I was this certain type of way. And what ends [00:03:00] up happening is one, obviously we block ourselves, but two, we don't really showcase our true essence of who we are because we're trying to dilute it. We're trying to change it.

We're trying to mask it. We're trying to like Cut it out of us some way, shape or form and so I really want to highlight the four ones that I have probably spent my whole life trying to fix and how now I've really started to lean into them more in saying that. It doesn't mean that I don't have things that come up in my brain and in my thoughts that tell me I'm still not doing it right, or I'm still not doing it correctly, or I need to change something.

But this awareness has allowed me to see clearly what my superpowers are in a lot of ways. From an energetic perspective and from how I show up, it's more about how I show up and how this has benefited the energy within [00:04:00] my coaching experiences, within Spellbound, where I've got beautiful women in there who I support and who reflect back to me regularly.

Why they love the essence of the group, um, and why they love the energy of the group. And it really does boil down to my superpowers, but prior to creating Spellbound, I questioned myself because of these. So I want to dive in a hundred percent with you, and I want you in the interim, while you're listening, to really contemplate where you might be trying to change who you are because you've made it a Wrong about you, when in reality it is actually your superpower.

It's the thing that people really gravitate towards you for. So the very first one that I wanna share with you is what I call cool as a cucumber. And what's interesting is if you know me and you know me well, and you've known me for a [00:05:00] long time. You might be thinking, interesting, because in my growing up ages, I don't think my friends or my family would have reflected this back to me.

But what's interesting is, is that I do have this cool as a cucumber essence about me. There's not a lot that will rock my boat or ruffle my feathers. I'm pretty even keel. And if you follow human design at all, you know that that, um, Emotional solar plexes. When it's undefined, that is the essence of who we are.

We are even keel and we're designed to be even keel. We're designed to have this very, hmm, energy about us. This, this emotional energy that's like not these highs and lows that we will see with someone with a defined emotional center. Now I'm sharing this because I have a highly undefined, uh, emotional center and I am this like.

Cool as a cucumber, even keel, [00:06:00] but what can often happen is that we're conditioned to be addicted to these highs and lows that we see in other people. We're like, wow, that person that has that really high emotional place and that really low emotional place, that's what, that's what I want. That gives me life.

I feel alive. And we get addicted to it. And so there were probably many points in my life that I was in this not self theme. In saying that, that's not who I am and that's not how I'm designed. And what's interesting is, is that the very first person I hired to be in my business creatively owned four years ago, um, she's not on my team anymore, but I hired her and That was one of the things she said to me.

You're always so cool as a cucumber. And at the moment, I was like, Interesting. Nobody has ever said that to me. And nobody had ever really reflected that back to me. And I was sort of taken aback by it. And we were going through a launch. And things were not going as [00:07:00] planned, because they rarely do. And I was just kind of like, Meh, there's nothing we can do about it.

Like, we just kind of have to ride this wave, so to speak, right? I wasn't, you know, um, freaking out, I wasn't getting angry, I wasn't burning things to the ground, you know? I was just like, well, this is what it is, you know? Um, and so she reflected this back to me, this sort of like, easy, cool as a cucumber demeanor, this go with the flow, this feathers not being ruffled.

And I, Kind of contemplated it for a while, because like I said, growing up, that's probably had never been reflected back to me. If anything, it was like you have this a ton of emotion that gets expressed and you are highly emotional, um, and I'm going to talk about that because there's just One of my other superpowers, which is the highly sensitive.

I'm going to dive into that, but I was very, um, emotional, had these highs and I had these lows. And what's interesting about this is that when I dove into this, because it was being reflected to [00:08:00] me and I dove into human design, I realized that I was totally in this not self, that I was operating with this addiction to the highs and lows of the emotions because I felt alive when I was.

So excited and highly emotional. And then I was also felt alive when you'd hit these lows, you know. And I'm sharing this with you because this is one of the things that my team and my Community and Spellbound have reflected back to me more times than not, how even keel I am, there's nothing, like I said, that would ruffle my feathers and or rock my boat, so to speak, and I, and within that, why that's a superpower is because it allows me to stay very, very grounded in the moment, and it allows me to see very clearly without reacting.

Right? I'm not reacting to the emotion. I'm not reacting to the emotion around me, [00:09:00] and I'm not reacting to other people's emotion, which again, is that not self of a undefined. Solar Plexus is that when somebody else is highly emotional around you, might be freaking out, might be in this low low, might be at a high high, and they're you're picking up that energy within them.

It's hard to navigate that. It's hard to stay grounded. It's hard not to be reactive. And so when I have clients sitting across from me, I can very well separate that emotional charge in any way, shape, or form. And it allows me to stay very calm. It allows me to stay very grounded and allows me to see very clearly on how to move forward and find a solution.

rather than reacting. And when you're in that, like, cool as a cucumber energy and, and demeanor, that regulates the spaces that you're in in a lot of ways, right? So my container, Spellbound, one of the things that I knew I wanted that [00:10:00] experience to be was, I wanted it to be an environment where I wasn't Putting people or keeping people in survival all the time, which I often find can happen in mentorship, right, that we're in this survival state, that we're pressured and rushed, and we've got to move quickly, we've got to do things, and we're operating by this, like, to do list, this go, go, go, go, go, and we're reacting to life.

We're not responding. in sort of a grounded, cools a cucumber way. We're reacting, right? We're constantly trying to fix and change and do the things and we're reacting to the highs and lows of what's going on around us and what's going on within us. And so what's interesting is that I always made this wrong about me because I was like, I'm passive.

I have this like passive energy. That's kind of like I don't care energy, which isn't going to make sense when I share the highly sensitive one. But [00:11:00] what I want to share with you is that there, there was this, um, lack of hype, if that makes sense. Right? And so I was like, I need to hype people up in order for them to get results.

I need to be their hype girl if I want them to take action. And when I unpack that, I'm going to record a whole podcast around this. Because when you actually unpack the energy of hype, and I'm not saying that we don't want to be excited, and we don't want to hype people up and get them like excited, but that's not sustainable.

That energy of hype is not sustainable, but it also isn't the thing that's going to sustain motivation. And that is why, for me, I am not the hype person, and I never wanted my experiences to be about the hype. I didn't want to use hype marketing to get people in, and I didn't want to sustain that within the community.

And I always felt like I would never be a good coach or a good mentor because I just did not [00:12:00] jive with the hype. But I also equally wasn't motivated by the hype. So, I used to laugh because in soccer, When I was being coached competitively and playing competitively, the, the coach yelling at me or the person trying to motivate me and rah, rah, rah, like, that was not what got me going.

And that's not what kept me committed. And then when I transitioned out of competitive, I'll never forget this. I think I've shared this on the podcast before. And if I haven't, I You know, it's fine, but I was running a race. So post competitive soccer, I started running competitively half marathons and 10k races and different things like that.

And I was running with my friend who is probably more. loves the hype energy, but I was running with her, and we were in the last stretch of the frickin race, and I was dying, you know what I mean? I was, I was, I needed everything within me to keep going, but it was that resource within me that I, that I needed to find, not [00:13:00] somebody on the street cheering and whatever, and we come around this corner, and there's these people like cheering, and you're the best, and all the things, and in my brain, and in my heart, I was like, Oh, shut up.

I just need my own, like, my own resource, motivation, and willpower to go. Right? I just, it was, that for me felt like a distraction, which is why things like aerobics, not my thing, which is why like group fitness classes, not my thing. Um. And why I did not want to necessarily bring that energy because what I really want and what I want to instill is that internal resource motivation that we all have within us, I believe, but I believe lots of us get addicted to the hype.

And we get addicted to needing that hype in order to stay motivated, and like I said, that isn't sustainable, so to me, my [00:14:00] superpower that cools a cucumber, that even keel, that responding not reacting, is one of my superpowers, and a superpower that I bring into the work that I do because my whole essence and my whole goal is to help people build a sustainable business, not a one hit wonder, not a business that pops up one day has gone the next day.

I work with thought leaders. I work with people that want to create an impact and make a change in the world. So in order to be able to create a sustainable business, we need to be in the energy of that. Cool as a Cucumber. We need to be even keel a lot of times in the work that we do, and if we don't have that, how do we regulate within that?

How do we be in mentorship? How do we find somebody that can reflect that back to us? And so that really is one of my superpowers because like I said, if I'm in a stressful situation, if I'm, you know, if I have a [00:15:00] client sitting across m From me who is stressed, then I can literally from that grounded place offer some really clear responsive solutions, not reactive, and I can hear, you know, what is the message?

What is the through line embedded amongst all of the emotion, so to speak? And so. My passivity, so to speak, that cool as a cucumber, even keel, is not something wrong about me. It doesn't mean that I'm not alive in my body or that I don't care. It just means that I'm able to make these decisions from a very sort of rock solid, grounded way.

But I'm also not gonna get rocked every time something doesn't go my way. I'm not going to get off course because, you know, I didn't get the results that I wanted. Now in saying that, There's many times in my life and I've shared these stories where I've quit or pulled the plug on something because I was totally operating in that not self, right?

I was [00:16:00] riding that emotional high, especially going into launches, right? That emotional high of like, I'm not hitting the numbers that I'm supposed to be hitting so this isn't gonna work out and there's this like big energy around that of like pulling the plug and not being able to see through the weeds of it of like, what is working and what can we keep?

And what do we need to improve? And so that is one of my superpowers that I've definitely made wrong about myself and questioned about myself. Um, and the second one is highly sensitive. So one of the biggest things that I wanted was to turn my emotions off, not to care so much. And this is why it kind of counter acts maybe the cool as a cucumber, but that even keel is one Energy, The Highly Sensitive Is Another, where you can pick up and have this, you're highly sensitive to things around you, the people, the energy, um, you sometimes can probably finish someone's sentence before they even tell you, [00:17:00] and you have just met them.

I was recently having a conversation with somebody, and I could literally finish her sentence, and she was like, you almost finished my sentence, like you don't even know who I am, and I'm like, I know, but I can read it and I can sense it just in terms of what, what you were sharing. And I wanted to shut these emotions off because I had this passion, which is to me is different than the cool as a cucumber, even keel.

There's this passion, this drive, this heart behind what it is that you do. And so when you care a lot about the work that you do and you care a lot about the people around you. It can be hard sometimes when maybe you get some negative feedback, or somebody doesn't like what you say, or, um, you get ripped on social media because somebody didn't agree with it.

And so, the highly sensitive piece of it, I wanted to shut those emotions off. The beautiful thing about being highly sensitive is, which is different than cool as a cucumber, is the highly sensitive aspect of it is that I'm in tune with [00:18:00] what's going on around me. I can see on a sales call. where the energy shifts.

I can see on a sales call where connection gets broken. I can see and feel when somebody is telling me something, but they're not really telling me something, right? So if a client comes to me and they're expressing something to me and I go, is that it? And then all of a sudden out of nowhere, they're unraveling in front of me and telling me everything, you know, highly sensitive.

And have this innate ability to build trust very quickly and they have this innate ability to be a sounding board in a lot of ways. And so the reason why I wanted to turn my emotions off was because I had no idea how to set proper boundaries. I had no idea where my sense, my emotions and what I was sensing were mine and theirs.

I had no idea what my responsibility was and their responsibility was. And that's not a bad thing. If you start to learn how to set the boundaries around that, and the highly sensitive aspect [00:19:00] of who you are is actually a superpower because you can show compassion, you can show grace, you can show understanding because that is what highly sensitive is.

We have this knowing, it's being empathetic, it's understanding what someone might be going through without you having to walk in the exact same shoes as them. And so that. is a superpower, especially when it comes to coaching, especially if you're in the business of people, which is service based businesses, a lot product, obviously you're dealing with people, but they're buying a physical product from you.

And then they're going on their merry way. But when you're in coaching mentorship, practitioner, There is a connection between human to human and that sensitivity is amazing because you're able to read between the lines, you're able to sort of get to the essence of it. What's also really cool about this that I probably, uh, you know, completely tried to erase from me is the ability to be able to feel, [00:20:00] like, sense.

via language, words, communication. So I was reading a client of mine's, uh, funnel copy, emails, opt in pages, uh, webinar script. And what's crazy is I'm getting goosebumps right now because I was reading this copy. And I was like, I am sensing the truth of it. I am sensing the authenticity of it. I am sensing that this is from a place of deep embodiment and knowing.

And then it's not from a place of, I'm just writing this to see if I can sell something to somebody. Or it's not language and words put on a paper with no, like, essence of, like, you know, energy behind it. That is a superpower to be able to read that, to be able to sense that through the language. on the page with things being able to pop out of like, Ooh, that, that hits hard.

You know, that is part of my superpower when it comes to words and [00:21:00] copy. I'm getting goosebumps because that is the thing that oftentimes is highly overlooked. We want to learn how to write really good copy. We want to learn how to write the hook that hooks people in. We want to learn how to write a call to action that gets someone to take action.

We want to learn how to. You know, put, put a webinar together that gets people to a sale and that is all of that thinking brain. That's how we're thinking our way. We're not evoking emotion. We're not speaking from that place of authenticity. We're not speaking from the heart. And what's crazy about this, when I read copy and content that speaks from the heart, there is this sense, there is this natural pull.

I call it that like electromagnetic pull. It's like that heart. Pull that you're like, wow. There's like, you can feel it in the words, even if you don't even know the person. You can just feel the truth behind it. There's a, there's a ringing in it, there's an essence, there's a feeling, and that's my [00:22:00] ability to be able to, to edit and copy review with this.

Highly sensitive part of who I am is a superpower because I can call somebody out pretty quickly where I'm like, is this your truth or are you speaking in a way with an end in mind to try and sell? Because I can tell very quickly. What sounds robotic to me and what sounds very scripted, and then what sounds and feels very authentic and true.

That is what's going to bring me to my next one, which is that innate knowing. So, I'm highly sensitive, I sense, I feel things, um, I understand, I have this ability to show empathy in scenarios and situations that You know, I may have never walked in my life and I have an ability to create this innate trust and yet for so many years I tried to turn my emotions off and wanted to try and fix this.

Why do I feel so much? I don't [00:23:00] want to feel this. And yet this is one of my greatest superpowers. And then that leads me to the third one, which is innate knowing. So I have this ability to just know this innate knowing it's a gut instinct. It's almost visceral. Um, sometimes it comes in like a download.

Sometimes it comes in sound, like, so I can hear something, um, whether someone's speaking or not, sometimes it's words that will leap literally leap off the page. I'm not somebody that like senses it. I'll get goosebumps sometimes, but I'm more of this like visual. I can get this visual of something. Um, so I have this innate knowing.

I'm like, Ooh, that's it. Or Ooh, we got to go this way. The problem with this is, and the thing that I've struggled with is one, trusting, not trusting my innate knowing over a proven process. So putting that innate knowing in the hands of somebody else going, I'm going to trust your steps and your process.[00:24:00] 

Sometimes, even though I'm feeling called or pulled in a different direction, even though I think your process is amazing, but I just want to tweak it slightly or do something different or make it my own in a lot of ways. And sometimes I've had this innate knowing about things that I've delivered a message that didn't land because oftentimes when you have a knowing that is deep.

Like the ones that I get, there has to be an invitation to share, especially when it's not something, um, for you, let's just say. So, asking somebody, hey, this dropped in, do you want to hear about it? Oftentimes, though, if they're not ready to receive the message, They might not act on it. And so what I used to think is that I would overly justify my decision.

I would ruminate on my thought process. I would ruminate on, is this right? Is this wrong? [00:25:00] Can I trust this? Should I take this direction? And what this does is create a ton of overwhelm, right? If you're constantly trying to justify your decisions, if you're constantly Ruminating about whether it's right or whether it's wrong, then you're just gonna stay in this lack of clarity, this overwhelm.

And I often say that overwhelm and lack of clarity is a state of the mind, right? We create it within our mind because we're ruminating. We create it within our mind because we crave certainty, right? We want the certainty that this thing is the right direction, the right. You know, step to take, and why this ends up being a superpower, not only for myself, but for my clients, is that when I really tune in to try to trust it.

I have this path laid out for me without me having to really try, like there's this the steps that I know I need to take are being sort of laid out for me as, as they need to be. Why it's a [00:26:00] superpower for my clients is because I can literally get downloads for my clients, which I often will say I do. I just got a beautiful download for one of my clients.

And I was like, Oh my God, the title of the quiz. This is what it is. Spellbound was a download. The name of it came through as I was falling asleep, right? The way in which I was going to structure it, how I want to offer it. I just had some beautiful creative downloads in the first two weeks of January.

I'm not going to share them with you yet because they're things that I want to roll out, but it's those things that come through that are effortless. You're in this state of creativity and flow. But you allow this, them to come and go as they need to without you trying to like control it without you trying to like, you know, need the certainty and why it's a superpower.

It's twofold for my clients. One, because I can help guide through this innate knowing in relationship with my clients. I can, I'll get downloads for them. I will be able to see on their copy clinic when they. You know, submit it. I can [00:27:00] see words jump off a page. I can see certain angles and ways in which we want to communicate things because that's going to reflect who they are and their authenticity.

Um, I can see an innate knowing within their business of like, Ooh, this is the offering that is going to really resonate with your people. And it's something you're highly passionate about. And so. This is really beneficial for them, but the other thing that's a superpower that's often not talked about when it comes to innate knowing is that when I am living that, when I am trusting what's coming through for me, I'm embodying that within all of my experiences, and I lead with that, my clients then start to develop their own inner trust, because they're like, oh, wow, because I bring that back to them, right?

So if somebody asked me, well, what would you do? I'm like, well, I can share what I would do. But I would love to know what you would do first and then I'll share with you what I would do. Oh, thanks for bringing that back to me, which can be annoying sometimes because people go, just give me the answer.[00:28:00] 

Just give me the answer. When in reality, What I want for my clients more than anything is for them to trust their own innate knowing, because we all have our own unique way of knowing what's right for us. It's just a matter of whether or not we're going to trust it, right? So, which brings me to my next one, which is resiliency.

And you might be thinking, how is this, how did you ever think that this was wrong about yourself? Well, the thing is, is that I have this crazy resiliency when I'm committed to something I'm all in. And I will. Stay All In because I'm committed to it and I can take on a lot. I've got, lots of people have always said, you've got broad shoulders, Kathryn.

You could carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. The problem is, is that for many, many years, I'd hold on to things that were not, I should never have held onto for that long, so to speak. Right? So I would beat myself up about why'd you hold onto that? Why didn't you let go? You know, four years ago, why did you stay in that relationship?

You should have broke [00:29:00] up with them on, you know, day one when you had saw the red flags, or why did you not, you know, quit corporate five years earlier, 10 years earlier, when you got the nudge the first time, these things that, you know, I held on to then became this thing that was wrong about me. The thing is, though, that resiliency is a superpower, not only in life, but it is in business and A lot of entrepreneurs that I've come across, especially in the age of entrepreneurship, which is what we're in right now, right?

Most people grew up in a world where most people go to a 9 to 5 and most people still go to a 9 to 5 job. But there's more opportunity now more than ever to be an entrepreneur. To carve your own path, to bring your business online, to open a brick and mortar, whatever. There's just, it's an, it's an age of entrepreneurship.

And. What ends up happening though, is that people step into this world. And they don't have this resiliency. And then when one thing goes [00:30:00] wrong, or this one thing doesn't go the way that they want, they give up, they quit, whatever, or they bitch about it, right? And so they don't stick with it. There's no patience to stick with it, because that resiliency isn't there.

And the entrepreneurship journey requires resiliency. And so I, that is a superpower of mine because there's many things in my journey that didn't go correctly. There's many things that I failed at and I didn't succeed at, but I've stayed on the saddle, so to speak. I've fallen off, but I've got back up and I've kept going.

And why I'm sharing this is because, again, as a superpower, it's something that I want to sell more than anything in my coaching experiences. I want to show people what resiliency looks like. I want to encourage that. And so I often will say like, you've got to meet me in the middle. Of course, you've got to want this more than I want it, but I will be in the ring and arena with you [00:31:00] as long as you're willing to be in the ring and arena.

But I want you to know that. We need that resiliency. We need to cultivate and develop that. And that's really hard to do when we are in survival. That's really hard to do when we're operating in flight, fight, fawn, freeze, right? And so one of the biggest things that I often will say is that look around you and look around the environments that you're in.

Look around the mentorship. Are they keeping you in survival? Are they supporting you to be in a regulated nervous system? Are they supporting you to come from a grounded, calm, peaceful place? Or are they perpetuating this survival mode? This go, go, go, this hustle, this never resting, this never relaxation.

Because at the end of the day, over time, your resiliency will diminish. because of this survival mode. So when I was in a state [00:32:00] of burnout, I wasn't as resilient as I am 90 percent of the time because I was burnt out. And so resiliency also is knowing when to let go and not holding on. when things should be let go of, right?

And so that is a superpower of mine, even though I beat myself up sometimes about not letting go of things quicker, um, and faster. And so those are the four things. that I can think of that have really, over my lifetime, been four key elements that I have made wrong about myself, but end up being my superpower or one of my superpowers.

And so I would love for you to contemplate, and maybe some have popped up for you, because it's those things that you can lean into. It's that superpower that you lean into in everything that you do and rewrite that story that it's wrong. And, and look where you might be masking, [00:33:00] look where you might be diluting that part of who you are because you think it's wrong.

Another big one that I want to share is professionalism because while I believe in being professional to some degree, while I believe in representing your body, Brand In A Certain Way That's A Reflection Of Who You Are, We Attach Ourselves To Professionalism. That's When I Released When I Left Corporate, But There's This Like, You Know, This Essence Of Like, What Does Professional Look Like?

What Does What Does That Mean? And, and then what are we making it mean about others? Right? Because there's something really beautiful about being able to show up in, in the way that you are in that moment, maybe without makeup, maybe without messy hair, maybe without a filter on your face. Like there, there is some beauty about that.

And there is something really raw and authentic about it. And so that's what I hear often from people is that professionalism, right, is that that's [00:34:00] one of the things that is holding them back and yet they're, you know, well organized and they're well put together and, and all of that, which is also equally beautiful.

And so I want to leave you with that today because I want you to walk away and take a look at what you've made wrong about yourself. And. Whether or not they are your superpowers, right? They're the things you're going to lean into. Maybe it is your creativity, right? Oftentimes we, if we are disorganized, what does disorganized really mean?

Is it that we're creative and we have a creative mind? And so we can creatively do things, um, and that we don't necessarily have maybe a rigid organizational system or structure. And that's okay too, because it's our creativity and the ideas that we come up with. But That's, that's fine. And that within that, trying to be something else, trying to be organized, trying to be well structured and rigid within that system is just not you.

And so oftentimes I'll have creatives say to [00:35:00] me, Oh, well, I'm, I'm just too creative. And I, and I can't live by a spreadsheet or by a to do list, and therefore I'll never be successful. And there are a lot of creatives that are highly successful. Sometimes that might be, you know, staying in your zone of genius and that creativity, and having somebody else do the to dos, you know what I mean, and help somebody else do the structure.

Because that is often where people get limited. They think that they have to do it all within their business. And I understand that when we're building a business, sometimes we can't outsource and whatnot. But there are options out there for you that you might have a small budget, maybe it's 100 and that person could create a bit of a to do and a reminder for you to kind of keep you on track, you know.

I mean, there's lots of ways and possibilities to look at things. It's just the stories that we often tell ourselves. So with that, I want to leave you. And then next week, I'm super stoked to share the podcast with you. Be sure to download and subscribe so you don't miss when they launch. Cheers. [00:36:00] Thanks for listening.

We'll see you right back here next time. You can also find us on social media at creativelyowned and online at creativelyowned. com. Until next time, keep showing up as your authentic self.