Dec. 10, 2024

How Easily Your Message Flows When You’re Aligned with it with Katie Hunt

It’s often hard to come up with what to say and how to say it when we’re forcing a message or we’re trying to fit our unique voice into a structure that isn’t us.

So I’m excited for you to hear Katie’s story from pushing hard to convey her message to finally finding the words with ease.


  • Why messaging feels hard and how to actually find flow with it. 
  • How Katie listened to her intuition even though she fought it at first to finally find ease and joy with her content creation.
  • The belief that nearly prevented her from launching her new idea and what holds most of us back.

After listening to this episode, I’d love to invite you to contemplate these questions:

What type of support would you like in your business? What roles are you excited to fill?

Before you go and binge-watch the next episode, if you'd like to discover how to align your message, and offer in a way that’s congruent with you, and your values to generate sales that feel good, I’d love you to book a call with me or one of my team members to discuss how to make this possible for you.

If this episode inspires you in some way, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and let us know your biggest takeaway—whether it’s created those aha moments or given you food for thought on achieving greater success.

And while you’re here, follow us on Instagram @creativelyowned for more daily inspiration on effortlessly attracting the most aligned clients without spending hours marketing your business or chasing clients. Also, make sure to tag me in your stories @creativelyowned.

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Katie Hunt


INTRO: [00:00:00] After generating over a million dollars in sales and selling one of her businesses with a single email, your host, Kathryn Thompson, takes an unconventional approach to marketing and sales. So if you're ready to tap into a more powerful way to be seen, heard, and a sought after entrepreneur in your industry without having to spend endless hours marketing your business and chasing clients, you're in the right place.

Be The Sought After Entrepreneur Podcast is here to help you ditch the cookie cutter, one size fits all approach to marketing and use your unique energy to effortlessly attract the most aligned clients. When you do this, you can spend less time marketing your business and more time doing your soul work and enjoying the richness of your life.

Welcome to Be The Sought After Entrepreneur Podcast. And here's your host, Kathryn Thompson. 

Kathryn Thompson: Hey, I'm super excited to chat with Katie here today to share. [00:01:00] her experience inside Spellbound and all of the amazingness that she's creating in her business. So before we kick things off, before I start to kind of ask some questions here, if you want to share with our listeners who you are and who you serve.

Guest: Great. Well, thank you so much for having me. It's so great to be here with all of you. Um, my name is Katie and I'm a spiritual life coach and an energy healer. And now I'm referring to myself as a love alchemist, and I am on a mission to help high achieving women to attract in their ideal partner while repelling the wrong ones without having to use a dating app.

Kathryn Thompson: Love it. And I want to dive into this because this is a shift and a pivot, um, and so I'd love for you to share with our listeners where you were before you joined Spellbound. 

Guest: Before I joined Spellbound, I was a stress ball mess case. I was listening to all of the other [00:02:00] business strategies that were telling me that I needed to be posting on social media all the time, and it was a volume and it was a numbers game, and that if I wasn't getting the results, it was because I wasn't trying hard enough and so I was efforting all over the place and I was really frustrated because at the time, I was really focused on helping people to heal anxiety and stress and in pursuit of trying to help people, it was, creating so much more stress and anxiety for me.

So I was doing so much and I was so depleted and so frustrated. And I was one day scrolling on Instagram and I was trying to escape how horrible I was feeling about myself. And your ad popped up and was saying, and it said sell the invisible, like articulating the value of what you do. And that really spoke to me because it was so hard for me to put into muggle terms.[00:03:00] 

a transformation in an experience like feeling peace to people who have never experienced it before. And that was the first time I have ever heard someone really recognize me and that I was selling something that was invisible. Yeah. That's where we started. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, I love it. And when you came into Spellbound, what was your sort of, besides the ad and it's speaking to and all of that, like what made you decide Spellbound is the thing?

Because there are, like you said, there's lots of different people out there talking about strategies and marketing and all the things, like why Spellbound? 

Guest: I think it's a couple things. One of the, you were able to so clearly pinpoint the things that I was really struggling with, which was putting language around what it was that I was doing and the transformation that I offered.

And also, you were offering to help me one on one with my thing. Because what the problem was is I would join these [00:04:00] programs, I'm a high achiever, I'm gonna do it, I'm not gonna quit, so I'm gonna do all of the course, but then when it comes to apply to a business that's not selling something that's a tangible result, I'm necessarily, or it's something that is based more in heart space or more for sensitive people, you can't use the same marketing techniques.

So I was having a really hard time transferring what I was learning into my own business. And so it was so appealing that I would have you who clearly understood what I was saying. struggling with and you had all of this experience, but you were also like me. It felt like, like you were really heart centered and you could understand the value in what people like me were doing.

And so it was just this no brainer. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, love it. And so coming into Spellbound, what are some of the like obstacles or challenges that you faced in the experience? 

Guest: So [00:05:00] I, once I joined, I was really focused on creating something that worked. I really, I'm a systems minded person, so I really wanted to create a funnel that worked really well so I could sort of turn it up and turn it down.

And what I was really struggling with, I think, was to find my authentic voice. And to find the right language that truly described what I was doing. And to honestly, like, create content that was going to speak to those people from an authentic place. Because I was, you know, so afraid of failing and I was just in my brain and letting my brain just operate and sort of take over it completely.

And I remember I would, I would spend so much time out in nature or in meditation, just even thinking about like, what is the language? Like, what are, what's the language? And I found myself. Really efforting and really trying hard. 

Kathryn Thompson: [00:06:00] Yeah, to come up with the words, to come up with what to say, how to say it.

So how did you overcome that? 

Guest: I kept trying and trying and trying until I reached a point where I became so frustrated and heartbroken that I was sort of forced into surrender. It was a place of surrender where I had to look around at my life and go, what am I doing? Like, why am I trying so hard? And in the pursuit of a business that was all around peace, I was making myself so stressed out and then how is that energy supposed to transfer onto my client when I'm making content from a stressed out place that's overly produced where I'm writing scripts so that I can say the right things in order to catch the right people and motivate them to convert onto a call.

And that was almost like magnetized because it's like, well, now I get to submit it to this expert who's [00:07:00] going to tell me what exactly I should be saying because I didn't trust myself and I didn't trust my authentic voice. So anyways, I got really frustrated and I actually decided that I was going to walk away from my business completely.

And I threw up my hands and I quit it and I stopped doing anything in it for a month. And I was sitting by a river. One day and I just received a little ping that maybe I should make a little bit of a pivot. And I think in order for me to get to that place, I really needed to get to my breaking point.

Like with anything, you reach your rock bottom moment and you're like, I can't do this. And that creates enough space for you to actually receive something that is better, more aligned. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah. When, when you, when you came into Spellbound and you were writing from that sort of mental place, like what do I say and how do I say it and like coming from the energy of like needing to get it right and it being almost mechanical, right?

It's kind of like this very [00:08:00] mechanical, like if I say this and I do this, then I'm going to get this person to do X, Y, and Z. Did you enjoy that? 

Guest: No, it was busy work once again, and I was doing so. Much nuts and bolts. Like I was just trying to produce as much content and I was spending time like researching SEO and yeah, spending all of this time on all of these administrative things and it was zapping my energy and it felt like I was pushing a boulder up a hill and I was.

Convincing myself that it was like, oh, well, you know, this is a new skill or you're practicing, you know, this is going to get easier. But what I would find is I'd wake up on those days to maybe film a YouTube video and I would put up my script and I would read through my script and I would have to, it would take me hours to film these videos because I was trying to follow a freaking script and I would mess up and then I would get more frustrated.

And then I would spend all of these hours in this content [00:09:00] that I was creating and like, three people would see it, which is great. It's better than nothing. But it's like, I spent eight hours on that one video and it's just like, what am I doing? Why do we do this? Why do we force ourselves so much? And um, yes, it was very exhausting, very depleting, and it was very much up here that I was spending my time.

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, and I love that you shared that about how long it took you to do the recordings, because I remember sitting there in another program years ago, where it was similar, similar energy where I was sitting there going, I have to record this video to post on social so that I'm visible every single day.

And it would take me four hours. And I'm someone who's quite verbally competent. You are as well. And it's like, why is it taking me four hours to record this? And it's because We're so out of sync or out of flow, it shouldn't be that hard. And I think the [00:10:00] messages that are ingrained in us is it's practice.

You need to develop a skill. You need to put in the effort. This is what it looks like at the initial stages of business. But there are things that are going to be hard in business, a hundred percent, but what to say, when to say, how to say it shouldn't be hard. Because we should know, because it's flowing through us.

We're the channel that's here to deliver the message. And so you got this ping while you were sitting by the river, and we call that intuition. That's that intuitive hit that comes through, which is the thing that leads us into flow. So that, that hit happened. And how quickly after that did you shift and pivot?

Guest: So I received that ping and I dismissed it because I was like, I'm not doing that. The ping in particular was, I want to help people to find their Ideal love. Yeah. And I was like, I'm not a dating expert. I'm not [00:11:00] a relationship expert. Like I have no business in that. And what's interesting looking back is you've always encouraged me to like, well, what feels good for you?

And it was so hard for me to access that. And at one point in our. Just like in our coaching, you did mention like, okay, even though you're not a relationship expert, like, let's talk about manifesting a relationship. And even in that conversation, you sort of like planted that seed in my head. And I was like, no, I can't talk about calling in love.

Like that just does not. That just does not resonate. So I wasn't ready to receive it until I was ready to receive it. And then it just kept coming in and I sat back and I listened and I received and it was like, this is what the offer would look like. This is all of the language that you would have in it.

A lot of it came in that day at the river because I sat there with my journal. But instead of me trying to force it, I was sort of being bratty and being like, Okay, well then show it, like, show me, make it happen. And then more information would [00:12:00] pop in over the days. And I would be sitting with my journal somewhere else.

And this, Ooh, that would be really fun to do. Or, Oh, cool. I could do it this way. And suddenly things started to pop in. And soon enough, within like, I would say probably two weeks, I sort of knew exactly what I wanted to do. And I was in your DMS again saying, I have an idea. And it felt really easy to start to take action on it because it felt fun.

It felt really good and it didn't feel like effort. And because of everything I had gone through, I agreed with myself that I'm not going to do the. The over efforting, like if it's feeling like a slag, then I'm going to literally walk away from whatever it was that I was just doing and either come back to it when I'm feeling better or just sort of let it die, but that if success meant that I needed to burn out in order to achieve it, it just was not going to happen.

Like, I just couldn't do [00:13:00] it. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, and I love that piece of the it came in it pinged in and it was like the sass of like I'm not doing this Because I'm not a relationship coach or whatever all of the reasons, right? I know when Spellbound dropped in and I've shared this before it's like it dropped in in and out of like jet lag I was like, no, I'm not doing this.

No, I'm going back to corporate Which is such a wild thing, but I was like, no, I'm going to go do like corporate executive coaching. Like I'm no, I'm not, I'm out, you know? And then it just kept coming. And then it was like the whole structure. And like, it's like your intuition, that ping is sort of the, the portal of the gateway.

It's not like this big, huge thing gets mapped out, whatever. It's just like the ping, the idea, the excitement. And I think that's one of the things I often would encourage you, like, what excites you? Does this excite you? If it doesn't excite you. The energy is not going to be there or it's not going to be sustainable.

You're not going to sustain it. And so, um, and I [00:14:00] loved it. And I think the reason why I nudged the relationship thing was because you had written something for the other idea. That was a story around your relationship and manifestation, and I can tell when somebody submits writing like an email or a social post, I can tell the energy that they're in versus something that's written from like that pure heart place, not the manufactured head place.

I can see it. I can feel it. And so I was like, you had written an email. I was like, What energy were you in when you wrote that? Because like that is moving and like I wanted to keep reading that. Not that I didn't want to read the other stuff, it was just I could feel that there was a manufactured ness to it of like, it's a force, I've got to write the thing in order to get x, y, and z.


Guest: yeah, yeah, no, and that's so true. And I think leaning into that excitement and I think that's why I pushed so hard was because it was like, I'm not feeling the excitement because I was so cut off from [00:15:00] it that I was trying to manufacture it. And it was so hard for me to even Realize and access to it.

So, you know, if you're listening to this and you're thinking, I am really forcing things right now, maybe just take a step back, even just a couple steps back and stop forcing just for a couple days. Yeah. And just see what happens. Just be curious. Stop torturing yourself. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah. And what made you want to take a month break?

Cause I know that can be a hard thing for people when you're wanting something to work and you want it to work out. And there is that fear of failure or that fear of like, now what do I do? Do I have to go get a job or move, you know, whatever it might be. And you're in that limbo of feeling really stuck, almost like your back's against the wall because you're like, I really don't maybe want to go back to corporate.

But I feel like that's my only option. How did you give yourself that month break? 

Guest: Yeah, I just got to a place where I was looking at my friends being grown ups, and I [00:16:00] remembered, I used to work corporate, and I remembered being able to afford little luxuries like, I don't know, bread and eggs, and I was like really struggling with it.

Everything and my car was having issues and I was just looking at the reality of my life and I was like How did I get here from wanting to help people to heal? And in pursuit of that i'm sort of like starting to destroy myself and my like how I feel about myself and also like, I, if I can't support my own needs.

And so I got to a place where I was like, I'm giving it until this day and it didn't happen. And I got so frustrated that I did the same thing. I was like, no, I'm going to go get a job. I'm walking away from this. I'm going to pretend that Katie Hunko ever existed. Like it never existed. I'm not going to tell a single person that I started a business when I get to my new job and I'm being a normal person because I'm so sick of this.

And it [00:17:00] was like from a very heartbroken bratty place and I needed to grieve. I was very upset about it. It was a very hard choice because I was a fighter and not a quitter. And so for me to get to that place of like, okay, it felt like failure and it was really hard. for me to admit that, but I was so headstrong on, I was completely done.


Kathryn Thompson: Yeah. It's that breaking point. Like, and I, and I hear that a lot. I'm on my own journey, but most people I work with, they get to that sort of like that breaking point, um, that you need to get to in order to give yourself the space for the nudge to come through or the hit to come through that surrender.

Okay. Fine. I'm giving. Trust Up, Surrender To The Universe, whatever the point may be, may be. Um, and now that you've made the pivot, What does that look like for you? How, how much more at ease are you with [00:18:00] finding the words, being able to put things into language that actually resonates with your people? 

Guest: It felt ridiculously easy and I keep reminding myself like one day, you know, it was the same thing sort of in a relationship where when I started this pivot, it was really easy to find the words and suddenly everything made sense and suddenly everything felt easier.

And it's same sort of thing of like when I found my relationship where it was all of a sudden this person comes into your life and changes everything and you're like, Oh, this isn't going to last or Oh, this is. This is a fluke and then it keeps getting better and it's more consistent and it's sort of that same experience I'm finding where it's like being able to pull on that experience and going, this isn't a fluke.

This isn't going to go away. It's just going to get better and better and easier and easier. And so it feels so easy to find the words. It's like a no brainer way to explain what I do and to [00:19:00] be able to chat with different people about it. It's been so much more fun to dream about the ways that I can help people because it's something that's so wonderful and so beautiful that.

everybody deserves and it truly lights me up to think about people finding their person. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah. 

Guest: And also, it's been really cool because I've agreed that I'm not going to do things that aren't fun. And I find certain business activities more fun than others. And so if it feels like effort, if it feels like, it's a slag, then it's just not going to happen because that's just not my way.

And so giving myself the opportunity to be creative and to also listen and honor myself and to still see that things are happening and things are moving, even if I'm not working on my computer, I think will only continue to create that trust that I can continue to follow myself. And I will say too, you know, especially this week, You almost, it's still, [00:20:00] you're still breaking that habit of going back to the efforting.

It takes, I think it's going to take some time to override that and to really stay on course because you get into problem solving mode. and you want to mentally fix things. And so I think it's also part being aware that you have made this promise to yourself that you are going to enjoy this process and you are going to do it from an authentic place and being honest when this feels like work, or I'm drained now doing that, and I'm wondering why that is, or how can I make this work?

It's fun. Like I have to write, I get to write these emails for my list. How can I get the creativity going? And I think that it was you that shared with me that when you sit down to record your podcast or create content, you give yourself a time limit. And if you're not in flow by the end of it, then you walk away.

And I think that that is really great advice. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, it is, is such a learning because like you said, I would spend four hours recording a video and I remember being so drained by the end [00:21:00] of it because it just felt so not genuine. It was scripted. It felt clunky. Wouldn't be how I would naturally talk or speak anyways.

And I just remember thinking, I know when I sit down to record a podcast, A lot of the stuff I do, well everything I do now is really in flow, like nothing's batched out, nothing's scripted, it all really is intuitive channeling based on my response to the world around me. So my clients, books I read, you name it.

But if I sit down and I hit record and then I stumble a minute in and then I stump and I do that, you know, like 10 minutes, 15 minutes, I'm like, the energy then goes away. And I know it's time for me just to step away and I'll come back. I'm not going to sit here and try to force the recording of a podcast for four hours.

Like it's just not going to happen. I'll just move my body. And usually when I get up and move my body, then it moves the energy. And I think that's the other big piece is that we can get so glued to the [00:22:00] computer that we think I've got to be at the computer doing the work, because that's the only way I'm going to make progress.

But honestly, if you have writer's block or creative block or anything like that, the best thing you can actually do is move the energy, which is jump on a trampoline, walk on a treadmill, go outside, go by the river, dance. shake, whatever you need to do. But like, we're, we're energetic beings that if, if something's stagnant, what do you do?

You know, if you're, if your drain is clogged, you don't just keep filling it with water, hoping that it's going to unclog, right? You take measures to unclog the drain because you know, it's clogged. Well, same with our energy, we're flowing. So it's like, if you are feeling stagnant and stuck, get out and move the energy, shift it, um, change your environment.

I think that's huge. Change the environment that you're in. And like, if you're you know, sitting in your house, in your office, and you're just feeling stagnant, like go to a coffee shop, plug into other people's energy. Yeah. 

Guest: That is so, [00:23:00] so true. I think too, we also fight what's best for us in that moment, right?

Like me sitting here scrolling on my phone because I'm trying to escape. If I just went out for a walk and I looked up and I looked up at the sky or the trees, you do feel so much better. It's a great reset. You feel less sorry for yourself and you do receive. more insights or creative ideas because you're looking at things you're out in the world.

And that's one thing that I will say is all of the things that I've created or gotten pings about it was when I was not sitting at my desk. I was out in the world and I was enjoying and I thought, Ooh, that would be cool. Or even I was in the shower or something, right? It's not when you're sitting here and productive.

So that's another thing is if you're feeling chained to your laptop, That's probably your brain telling you that you have to be. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah. And it's the thinking your way to the, to the language, to the words, to the strategy, right? When you're trying to think your way to it, there is a force energy there. And we are not meant to create an isolation or in [00:24:00] a vortex, right?

We're not meant to create in that isolation in our house. And so even oftentimes people will say like, what do you, what do you actually say? What do you recommend that I say? And it's like, well. What are your people saying to you? What is the world around saying to you? Are you engaging the field, quote unquote?

Are you actually putting yourself out there to engage? Not just push out a message that you've cultivated in your own brain, but like, are you engaging with the field, the people that you actually want to serve? And I think a lot of business coaching and mentorship is like, fill out the spreadsheet of like, who my ideal person is and dream up that person.

When. A lot of the best ideas that come to people are, like you said, out in nature, having a shower, driving your car, cooking, whatever it might be. It's rarely when you're sitting there going, I need to come up with my next 10 topics. Yeah. Come up with the idea, you know? And so it's, that's a beautiful reminder for people to engage in the field around them, go out, [00:25:00] have conversations.

Guest: Yeah. And pay attention to what lights you up and follow that, even if it doesn't necessarily fit in your niche. Yeah. I think that's where we get stuck too. 

Kathryn Thompson: Totally. And that's that siloed perspective, right? When, when we start to think about and even ask the questions of like, what haven't I thought about that's possible with my business, or where may I be pigeonholing myself in the business with a strategy, right?

I've got to build the funnel and I've got to run ads to a masterclass. That's a great way to do it, but there's also so many other ways that you can attract people into your world. And when we get that siloed pigeon view and we all do it, it's hard to think outside of the box, which is the expansion. So I'd love for you to share with the people here that listening, like what possibility you see now in your business?

Guest: Oh my gosh. Well, now I'm thinking about next year and [00:26:00] how I want to grow it. And I, it feels really good because I think that I've really nailed My process, my nurturing, and I think I have a very clear vision of what my business is and it's outside of what's taught or what everyone else is doing. It feels solely my own.

And so now I just honestly feel like there are so many ways that I can take this, right? Just even the one offer that I've created, there's so many different ways that I can support people. And then there's also different ways that I can support people on either end of the spectrum, right? People who are getting out who aren't quite ready.

Um, all of the ways that I can create. Um, groups of women who can come together and just have community and just be more supportive of women. And so it's, it's honestly a question of what kind of business do I want? And I feel like it's going to evolve and change. I even had, um, somebody asked me yesterday if I was going to become [00:27:00] a matchmaker.

But what's interesting is, as I've had these conversations the last few months about what I'm doing, the amount of people that have shared with me about their other single friends, and I've started to create somewhat of a repertoire of single people, because it's like, if I meet people within my business who would match really well with this person I've met, then I am going to absolutely do an introduction.

So it's just funny to think about All of these ways that you could support your people outside of that, like you said, that silo, that vision, that tunnel of like, well, no, this is how I help people. And I help this one person do this thing. But in reality, I think if you're in a relationship, if you are in a business that you want to build relationships in.

If you are in a relationship building business, which is a long, like a long term business. Yeah. You do need to serve people in different phases of their life. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah. 

Guest: And I'm excited to grow and explore and see what that is. And [00:28:00] without stressing about, Oh, well, what's going to be the next offer after this one?

It's like, that will come to me. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah. And there's just such more of a relaxed energy there, right? There's just sort of like a leaned back approach of like, anything's really possible. And if I just keep my view, my point of view open, the opportunities are going to come. And then I get to choose what excites me.

What am I excited about? I might not be excited right now in this moment to be a matchmaker. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, but I might be in a year from now or two years from now, who knows, but I'm not gonna like. Just pigeonhole myself into one niche, one offer, one thing when if I just leave myself open, the opportunities will sort of flow to me.

So. Absolutely. 

Guest: And one more thing that I will say about that is going in to places that have nothing to do with your business, that aren't networking events, and just sharing who you are and how you help. [00:29:00] It's interesting the people who are attracted to you. I was in another coaching call where we just introduced ourselves and I had someone there come into my world and we have a sales call booked next week.

So it's like, I would have never ever gone into it thinking that I would potentially get a client in a place that had nothing to do with networking, but here we are. So do the things that you love and that light you up and your people will be there too. And 

Kathryn Thompson: just share, like, just share openly, genuinely of what you do.

And, and I always say clients are everywhere, right? The grocery store and other programs and whatever it might be. And, um, if we just keep ourselves open to receiving, um, then they will come. So if somebody was considering spellbound, what would you say to them? 

Guest: Just do it. Stop wasting your time. I found Kathryn in, uh, the February and I didn't sign up with her until June because I was like, Oh, I can do it on my own.

Or I just need to struggle a little bit more on my own. And I [00:30:00] wish that I didn't, but of course you will join at the perfect time, but you have nothing to worry about when it comes to spellbound. Like, yeah. We're so well taken care of. 

Kathryn Thompson: Amazing. Amazing. Well, it's been a pleasure sharing your story with everybody.

I know they're going to resonate with so much of it. Um, so where can people find you if they want to find you? 

Guest: Thank you for having me. Um, my, I'm on social media at Katie Hunt Co. And, uh, we can maybe link my free love attractor assessment in case anybody out there is interested in learning a little bit more about how they can become more magnetic to their ideal person.

Fill that out. I'd love to have a one on one call so I can support you in that. And if you just really resonate with my story and you'd love to chat just person to person, business owner to business owner, I would absolutely love that. So hop into my DMs. I would be so happy to have a 

Kathryn Thompson: Amazing. Amazing.

Well, it's been, yeah, such a pleasure supporting you and also, yeah, sharing this beautiful [00:31:00] story with everybody. 

Guest: Thank you so much. And thank you all for listening to me. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Amazing. 

INTRO: Thanks for listening. We'll see you right back here next time. You can also find us on social media at Creatively Owned and online at creativelyowned.

com. Until next time, keep showing up as your authentic self.