Ever feel like all the marketing "rules" just don't fit your style? You're not alone. In this episode, I'm diving deep into something that's been on my mind lately - the whole idea of influence and how we show up in business.
Building on some amazing conversations from recent episodes about client success stories, I'm sharing my raw thoughts about what it really means to have influence beyond all the usual marketing tactics we're taught.
We're questioning everything - from why we feel the need to constantly promote ourselves to whether being the loudest voice in the room is actually the way to go. This episode is for you if you've ever felt exhausted by traditional marketing approaches or wondered if there's a more authentic way to attract your dream clients.
And while you’re here, follow us on Instagram @creativelyowned for more daily inspiration on effortlessly attracting the most aligned clients without spending hours marketing your business or chasing clients. Also, make sure to tag me in your stories @creativelyowned.
Selling the Invisible: Exactly how to articulate the value of your cosmic genius even if your message transcends the typical “10k months” & “Make 6-figures” types of promises.
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To find out how to own your unique edge, amplify who you truly are (& get paid for it), take your business to cosmic proportions, and have fun doing it, grab it here!!
INTRO: [00:00:00] After generating over a million dollars in sales and selling one of her businesses with a single email, your host Katherine Thompson takes an unconventional approach to marketing and sales. So if you're ready to tap into a more powerful way to be seen, heard, and a sought after entrepreneur in your industry without having to spend endless hours marketing your business and chasing clients, you're in the right place.
Be the sought after entrepreneur podcast is here to help you ditch the cookie cutter one size fits all approach to marketing and use your unique energy to effortlessly attract the most aligned clients. When you do this, you can spend less time marketing your business and more time doing your soul work and enjoying the richness of your life.
Welcome to be the sought after entrepreneur podcast. And here's your host, Kathryn Thompson.
Kathryn Thompson: Hey, hey, SuperStoryTheater Tune in this week's episode, and I cannot wait to dive into [00:01:00] today's topic because I'm going to be building off of the last couple episodes and the conversations that I've been having with y'all through those episodes. Now, you don't have to have listened to those episodes to garner sort of any value from this particular episode, but I do recommend listening to those because I've been receiving a lot of really amazing feedback from those episodes, and I wanted to dive a little bit deeper into My own personal journey with alignment, because those episodes really did showcase and share how a client of mine really sort of clicked into gear when it came to stepping into her own alignment and really doing things quite a bit differently than we've seen.
Done in the online space when it comes to putting her workout into the world and attracting clients in a much more simple and effortless way. And the reason it's effortless is because she's in alignment, so it works for her. Now, I want to Use this episode to invite you into your own [00:02:00] contemplation in your own business so that you can start to maybe assess where things might feel out of alignment.
Things might no longer be working the way that you want them to work. And that's totally okay, right? I think sometimes we try to avoid the change and the shift. We try to avoid things. We try to grip really tightly, like, Oh my gosh, I don't want this to change, or I don't want this to be different. Or I spent all this time building X, Y, and Z.
And now I'm feeling this deep desire to pivot and to go in a different direction. And there's something to be said about that as well, because it also is, can be a really scary time when you're being called to sort of let something go that you were once passionate about, and then go. Okay, but I'm stepping into this uncertainty, an unknown place, which is filled with a lot of fear often, right?
We just don't know what the path going forward looks like. And that's why I want to invite you into my process of contemplation and [00:03:00] my process of really continuing to stay on this path of alignment in my own life. And for those of you who've been following me for a while, you've probably heard me share that I've been feeling for about a year, a year and a half now.
This sort of evolution and expansion coming and traditionally, when I've been in that place of feeling things shifting and changing, I've outwardly tried to fix it, meaning I've hired a coach or a mentor, or I got to fix this thing or this problem. And that was my way of trying to control. The inevitable change that was coming because I didn't like to feel discomfort in that moment.
I was wanting to avoid the discomfort in so many ways. And so I looked outside of myself in that environment and then tried to fill it with fixing the thing, right? Coaches, mentors, courses, you name it. We've all been there. And now. So I don't do that and I don't do that because I know that [00:04:00] that's not going to lead me to the alignment that I'm being called to step into and the shift that I'm being called to make.
And so I sit with it and sometimes it requires me to sit for, well, it's been a year and a half. It requires me to sit for a long time and that can get even more and more uncomfortable. Especially when we're used to wanting to make change really quickly, right? Take the quick action, be hyperproductive, go, go, go, go, go.
And sometimes change is a slow process. For those of you that don't know, I've been, you know, studying the gene keys under Richard Rudd and I shared a little bit about him last episode. And one thing that I'm really learning about him and his process is he recently just said, you know, this pathway that you're on, this.
Uh, exploration that you're on like might take 18 months and I don't know of a single coach or mentor that is that open [00:05:00] about the length of time that it's going to take and that he actually puts that in writing and an explanation in his delivery of his material because we're told that if we don't sell how to make 10k in 30 days or How to lose weight in 20 days if we don't put these like rapid fire time stamps on it that people aren't going to want to do it.
So this leads me to my deeper contemplation that I'm in right now and how I go about really affecting change in my world in a way that works for me. Because I think A lot of the times we're trying to make change from our preconceived environment that we're already living in. And by that I mean, we're trying to change the way we want to do things and how we want to show up in the same model, paradigm, structure, society.
Whatever you want to call it, we're trying to make it from the same [00:06:00] place. And you know Einstein says this, right? Like, you can't change or you can't grow from that same perspective that you're at right now. Like, you've got to change the way you look at it. You've got to change the whole model and paradigm.
If we want to innovate and create, we've got to approach it differently. And for many of us, we don't. And that was what I was doing for many years, right? I was hiring the coaches and the mentors and all the things. I'm not saying you don't want a mentor, you don't want a guide, or you don't want somebody to support you.
That's not what I'm saying. But I'm saying that when you hire or you seek out to quote unquote fix from that place of I need to fix the thing versus tuning in first and going, okay, what is it that I actually really want? And what's the direction I really want to take? And if I don't have the clarity, then who do I need to hire to support me and garnering that clarity, right?
Rather than trying to plug all these holes from the external, it's tuning in first. So coming back [00:07:00] to the whole essence of trying to change. From the same perception or the same box, quote unquote. Right. And for many of us, we've been taught that speed is superior. That if I offer this program, I've got to tell somebody I'm going to help them achieve something in 90 days or in 3.
2 seconds. It's gotten kind of ridiculous because. It's gotten more and more rapid, right? And therefore our society is looking for these rapid quick fixes. What I loved about what Richard had wrote was the fact that he was like, it might take you 18 months. I'm just going to be really honest with you. You contemplating your gene keys and condominium, these things might take you 18 months.
And I mean sitting in my own contemplation for. Almost a year and a half, and I've garnered a lot of clarity, and I feel really content and peaceful with where I'm at, but I'm not rushing [00:08:00] where I'm going either, because what's the point of the rushing, right? Again, so much of our life is being, I just got to get to this point and I'll be happy.
I just got to get to this school and things will make me more successful. I just got to graduate high school so I can finally go be an adult and live on my own. I, once I get married, then this will happen. And once I have kids, this will happen. And we're always seeking to just get to the thing so that we have the thing in return.
And for those of you listening, I know you already know that, that, that. Is a very backwards way that the money, the success, the accolades, those are the things that are going to bring you happiness. Y'all know that. So I want to share with you my contemplation on where I'm at right now and speed to success and, and climbing this mountain and checking things off and striving and chasing.
That's contemplations all around success. [00:09:00] Like what is actually success? But the biggest one for me right now has to do with influence and what does influence actually look like for me and not from a place of manipulation. I think a lot of marketing is taught to influence using things like Being the loudest, being the boldest, you know, being the guru, being the know it all, claiming that you're this wildly different person and different than anybody else there on the internet.
And I get why we buy into that. I've bought into that. I've marketed in, in ways like that. But in order to change the model, the paradigm, the way we do things. We have to look at things from a different perspective, and we can't just accept what is being sold to us, or what is being taught to us, or what is being told to us.
Right? And [00:10:00] so, that's where I start my contemplation. Like, what does influence actually look like? What does, what does influence really feel like for me and my How does that look? And then transpire in my business, how I communicate, how I show up, because it's from that embodiment that's really going to, in my opinion, influence.
And I don't even think I'm here to influence. I think that's the whole other sort of notion of it. We're in such an attention grabbing era where We're using these like three second hooks and we're trying to grab people's attention because we're also being told that nobody has attention spans. And what's interesting is, is that many of you listen to my podcast, 40 Minutes.
I write long form content. I'm very expressive, right? The more I learn about who I am astrologically, I'm a Scorpio rising. I have a Libra in my 12th house. [00:11:00] I have my Mercury. In Scorpio in my first house, like mercury is that sign of communication. I am meant to communicate in depth. Therefore, already there, I'm, I don't fit the current paradigm that we live in, that is, you know, two second memes, and, you know, emoji captions, and, and whatnot.
Not saying that I don't write like that too, in potent, powerful ways, because I do, I'm very expressive in that way, but I also am very in depth, and I think that you can be in depth. In short form content, I'm not saying that you can't, and this is where the contemplation all sort of lies, is that, what are we accepting?
Around our current situation or circumstances, what are we accepting? And sometimes it's not even visible, right? Sometimes it's not even visible. And that is where a guide to be [00:12:00] able to reflect that back to you and to showcase that perspective to you is really important. Because often it's not visible.
Often we don't even see it, right? We buy into what we've been taught, trained, all of that. And we've Naturally, then just accepted it for what it is. My contemplations and the depth of contemplation that I go to is not even asking, is this true? Because I think that is a really great question in a lot of ways.
But for many people, what they believe is true, right? For many people, they believe it is true. So I like to come at it from a place of curiosity versus is that true? Because my brain goes, yeah, that's true. You have to be the loudest. You have to be the most bold. You've got to wear makeup. You've got to dress in a power suit.
You've got to have [00:13:00] really luxe looking branding. You've got to do this. You've got to do that. Right? That's my brain telling me that I need to. And so, I believe it to be true. There is truth to it. So, I rather come at it from the approach of, well, what would it look like if We did it differently. What if I didn't have Lux branding?
What if I wasn't the loudest in the room? What does quiet leadership actually look like? Is there anybody out there that's emulating and embodying this right now? And there are. I think there's a lot of leaders out there that are quietly leading. And I think over time, generationally, there's been many quiet leaders that didn't want to be the guru, that didn't want to be put on a pedestal, that walked alongside.
Their people rather than being in hierarchy to their people, right? This is how my brain works in a lot of ways. And this is how I often process. I'm a deep thinker, [00:14:00] right? Scorpio rising, Mercury and Scorpio, Libra in the 12th house. Pluto conjunct my Libra in the 12th house. I am really here for deep transformations.
And so my process is often quite deep. And a lot of the things that I contemplate and think about. Often is this like spiral of deep contemplation and not from a place of questioning whether or not what I believe to be true, but really inviting myself to imagine what's possible in the truth that my ego, my brain, whatever you want to call it, is telling me is true.
Because I'm not going to bypass that truth unless I'm looking at what else is possible from a different perspective. So coming back to influence, because for many of you being seen and getting visible and attracting clients and calling people into your world can feel like a lot of fricking effort because it almost feels like there's this performative [00:15:00] energy, this hype energy that has to happen.
In order to influence, and if you don't like the word influence, then use the word attract, use the word transform, use the word change, whatever you want to call it. But really what influence to me is, is this magnetism to somebody that is helping me see something in a different perspective. They're influencing the way I maybe look at the world, maybe the way I dress.
Maybe the way I show up, whatever it might be. And again, not from a place of I'm telling you what you need to do and how you need to be in this world for me, unpacking influences. How do I lead with influence and embodiment in that influence not so people emulate me and do what I do But so that they see wow this person leads in this particular way.
I have the permission I have the spark. I have the [00:16:00] insight to now lead in my own way That, to me, is what influence is. The other question I keep asking myself is, what does attraction then look like under this sort of new way of influence? Without the manipulation, without the convincing, without the coercion, without the constant reminders, without the constant promotion, right?
Because to me, I'm also unpacking that. Because there is this rhetoric out there that's like, well, I don't convince people in my marketing. No, but you market 24 seven, you're constantly selling something. So there is a level of, I don't want to say manipulation or coercion, but to me, there is a convincing there, right?
I'm a firm believer, and this is just me at the core, which then makes me question how I fit in the marketing world and sales world in general is I truly, truly believe [00:17:00] at the core of who I am, that people will prioritize. What they truly want to prioritize and if they haven't decided to work with you or sign up with you after many, many, many social media posts, emails, that sort of thing, then I'm of the belief that they don't want to sign up.
Right. That it's not the right timing for them. It's not the right offer. But what ends up happening with these constant communication and constant promotion is tactics like FOMO that play on our nervous system and our survival. Right. And our one big core wound of belonging, they play on that and they're running out of time, right?
It plays on all of that. I don't want to miss out. So there's these [00:18:00] tactics that are then interlaced into what I call as influence or marketing. Visibility, getting seen, attracting clients. There's FOMO, deadlines, tight deadlines, scarcity, urgency. But then there's psychological tactics that are also used that play on people's deepest emotions, deepest wounds, and that will spark and trigger something within somebody to sign up, even if it doesn't feel like the right time.
And we've all done this, we've all invested or probably brought in products and services that we God. And then we're like, man, I regret that. And again, no judgment to the person doing the selling in that way, because that is how marketing has been done forever. They aren't new tactics. And when I actually observe marketing and I actually observe the landscape and what's being taught about messaging, about marketing, about attraction.
It's not new. [00:19:00] These aren't new concepts. And I've said this many times on my podcast. People just package them up and, and sell them as new. But as long as I've studied marketing, which I have an undergraduate in marketing and a master's in communications, as long as I've been in this world for over 20 years, Not much has changed when it comes to tactics.
The only things that have really changed are number one, the technology around the way we communicate. No brainer. And two, people are waking up and becoming more and more discerning. With the tactics being used. And so people have had to get more creative with these tactics. Right? So maybe they're a little bit more subtle.
Maybe they're not quite as overt. Right? And I've seen it. I've seen it. I see it all the time. Right? Where it's like, no pressure, no rush. But I've just done a ton of psychological trickery in that email that's going to make it really hard, but I'm going to put the [00:20:00] power in your hands because I'm going to empower you to make that decision.
When we've, we've stripped the empowerment out of it already based on the tactics, but for many people, they don't actually even understand the tactics being used. They're just emulating what's being taught, which brings me back to my whole premise of this podcast episode is my own contemplation. Because.
I've used tactics. I've been in marketing forever. I'm not perfect and I'm not on this podcast to be like, I'm perfect and I don't make mistakes and I've never done this. I'm human like y'all. Right. But I'm at a point in my business where I'm, I'm literally sitting here and going, how do I want this to look going forward?
How have I evolved? How have I changed? And what no longer works for me based on my values? And based on my own inner alignment, what no longer feels good. And the only way for me to really contemplate that question is [00:21:00] to one, not accept what I've been told needs to happen. And two, then get really curious about what it could look like and then experiment with what that could look like.
So. Coming back to the whole influence piece of this, what does influence look like for you? How do you want to be seen? How do you want to show up? How do you want people to come into your world? If none of the rules mattered, right? If you didn't have to show up seven days a week, if you didn't have to send multiple emails to your list all the time, If you didn't have to, I don't know, be vocal on video, like, whatever it is, let's get curious about that.
And often times, These things get shut down, specifically if you're in a coaching space that isn't holding you, right? [00:22:00] Lots of clients will come to me and they'll say, Catherine, this coach told me I had to do this. And I'm like, I'm not saying that we don't maybe want to do that, but let's get curious about where the resistance is in the first place.
Is it resistance out of fear or is it resistance because you're out of alignment? Two very different things, right? This whole notion of pushing through, I'm just going to push through. I'm going to push through. Because I, this is what I have to do is counterintuitive because you're just then climbing a completely wrong mountain, right?
You're going up a mountain that isn't the mountain that you're here to climb in the first place or the path you're here to take in the first place. And oftentimes when I get to sort of the essence of why somebody doesn't want to do something, I'm like, yeah, you're actually not wired that way. It's not your natural way of being, which is.
What we're really here to do in the first place, right, is to be in harmony with who we are and to be the natural expression of who we are. [00:23:00] That's being stripped away because we are conditioned into a society and we as humans haven't stopped long enough to contemplate these things, which is why I want to share with you.
The nitty sort of gritty of contemplation and how I shift my perspective on things, not asking myself if things are true, but asking myself, okay, if I don't want to post five days a week, let's just say, or I don't want to be the loudest in the room, or I don't want to be constantly selling and marketing, right, I want to have these beautiful offerings that are an invitation for people to come into and I want to trust that The people that are going to come in are going to come in when they're ready and that yes, I can put deadlines on things and yes, I can, you know, use full scarcity and urgency, but at the end of the day, then I'm attracting people in that aren't really truly empowered and haven't probably made an empowered decision.
I don't know a hundred percent for [00:24:00] sure, but when we use those tactics, that often is what happens. And for me, I can honestly say, and I, and I've mentioned this is that for me, influence isn't loud. We don't announce it, you know, people that can move a room and create movements and we don't see a lot of this.
This is, I think the other part of my contemplation is like when I'm looking for leaders, I'm like, I don't see a lot of it specifically on the online space. They don't announce themselves. They're not telling everybody how different they are because they don't need to, right? To me, authority and influence isn't about saying I'm the only one on the universe that does this, right?
My approach is so different than everybody else. I'm the only one in the industry that talks about somatic healing like this, or copywriting, or marketing, or, you know, you don't need to announce that, because to me, influences is resonance. It's not something that it's felt. It's a resonance. It's a way of [00:25:00] Somebody showing up.
It's a presence. They walk into a room and when they speak and when they talk, it's very intentional. It's very thought out. There's probably a slowness to it. There's a, there's, there's not a rushness to it. There's not a right or a wrong to it. You can feel it, right? But most marketing, regardless of the industry you're in, there's this right or wrong and we've been taught that we have to be authority and we have to build authority.
In this certain way, we've got to screenshot our money wins. We've got to screenshot our client wins. We've got to speak from the mountaintops about how phenomenal our client experiences. And I'm not saying we don't want to be proud of that and celebrate that. But if you actually think about leaders that command a room and a space, they don't do that.
Like just pause for a moment and just think about if you can think of one leader, in my opinion, that is. A really [00:26:00] profound thought leader who, and I think of like, I think of Richard Rudd as an example, right? If you ever listen to him speak, there is a slowness, there is an intention, there's a deep embodiment, and there's a deep wisdom that comes out from him.
But he also doesn't sell in a way that screenshots all these money wins and, and client successes. And, um, look at how many clients got this and this, and he doesn't do that. And the reason he doesn't do it is because his work speaks for itself. He doesn't have to. That to me is influence. That 100 percent is influence is that you can, you don't, you don't actually need to sell.
You can say, Hey, I've got this thing. It's amazing. Check it out. And that's specifically how he sells. He just shares what's available. That for me is influence. There is [00:27:00] no psychological pattern breaking and all those sorts of things. Again, as a copywriter, as a marketer, these are difficult contemplations to have because I, I don't know what the alternative looks like for me because I've lived so long in this world.
I've lived so long in this world and that's where the invitation to step into the uncertainty, the unknown. And oftentimes we don't get to the contemplation part of this of what is truly in alignment to us, what truly matters to us, what we truly value. We don't even get to that point of it because the contemplation is the doorway to stepping into the unknown.
And the unknown is a really scary place for many of us to exist because we want control, we want certainty, we want to know exactly how things are going to work out. And so that contemplation is inviting us to surrender [00:28:00] to the uncertainty, the unknown. It's, it's asking us to get curious about what's possible beyond what we already know.
And that can be a very scary place for many of us to exist. And I know For me, it was for sure, for many years of my life, I don't sit long enough in my own silence, in my own being to even contemplate because that meant I had to face the unknown. I actually don't know. I don't know what the next step is for me.
I don't know what the next path is for me. But then when we get curious, the beauty of sitting in that curiosity and asking the questions. is that we have the choice. This was a game changer for me because oftentimes we think, Oh man, if I go down this contemplative path and I discover things about myself and the way I'm doing things and all those sorts of things that no longer align with me or my values, then I'm going to be forced to [00:29:00] sort of change.
You're not forced to change. You get to make the choice. Okay, now do I take this path forward, or do I revert back to how I was doing things? So there's no fear of losing anything. There's no fear of, of your old life sort of just falling away. I mean, of course, if you want to change things, you can. But there's a fun part about sitting with all of the possibility.
I don't know anybody who doesn't love to just sit and imagine what's possible. It's often, the fun part of that is often imagining for somebody else or something else. It's rarely the fun part of it comes into play when we're imagining about our own life, our own reality, because there is that fear attached to The fear of holding on, the fear of The fear of letting go, sorry, not holding on, the fear of letting go, and there's that [00:30:00] certainty and that gripping and that control.
So I want to leave you with this, because I've kind of shared where, how I sort of contemplate, how I sort of look at things, what I'm not sort of willing to accept in that contemplation. And it's all around influence and how we show up and how we be and how we exist in this world. And I would love for you in your own world as a business owner to go, how do I want to create visibility and be seen in the world?
The online space is a noisy, noisy place. And if you're in the online world and have a presence there, you already know that and for the vast majority of people in the online world, and I play into this because I'm on it. So again, I'm not exempt from this is that we're competing for visibility. We're competing to be seen.
We're competing to be seen as the most different, the most authoritative, the leader in this industry, yada, yada, yada. We're competing for that. And what it often reminds me of is, [00:31:00] if you think about a kiddo, right? Small child, toddler, whatever. And you're not paying attention to that kid. What happens when parents don't pay attention to their kid?
When they're trying, their kid's trying to get their attention. They often get louder. They often get more Uh, theatrical or performative, right? They might start acting out. Maybe they throw a tantrum. Because they're competing for their parents attention. I want to be seen. I want you to pay attention. I want to be noticed.
And that's what's happening in the online world. And so our visibility tactics and our influence and authority building tactics are all built, in my opinion, from this place of let me be seen. I want my message out there. I want to be noticed. I want that validation. And so there's this increased noise that happens.
There's this elevated boldness that happens. There's this contorting of who people are. There's less of a natural [00:32:00] expression because for most people and most of us, and I've talked about this on my podcast many times, when I first launched my podcast, I remember friends of mine and people saying to me, that doesn't sound like you.
And it's not because I was trying to be performative, but there was probably an essence of me that was like, I need to be professional. I need to come off as professional so people take me seriously. That was a story that played in my head for years, right? So saying slang or, you know, saying off the cuff shit or whatever it was, I never did because I needed to be professional.
And so there was this professionalism that came through in my voice that Impacted in a lot of ways and not in a bad way, but it's just not wasn't me. People didn't hear me talk like this, right? The closest people to me would say, oh, there's her business voice, right? And so I got curious about that. I was like, Oh, interesting.
How am I coming off as, you know, with this business [00:33:00] voice? And what does that mean to people receiving that and I'm not going to get into this on this episode, but I would love to dive into it more and have a conversation more with you about it is, you know, our tone of voice and the way in which we communicate and the frequency of that definitely impacts.
And for many of us, there's this perfectionist element that comes through and I know I struggle with that as well. Like, oh, shit. You know, what if I don't say the right thing in the right time, or what if I stumble in my words, or whatever it might be? There's a constricting that often happens in our breath.
That we're not actually speaking from the depths of our being. We're constricted in that. And if you're trying to control a narrative, if you're trying to control something, or come off as perfect, or come off as something that you're not, and maybe not even deliberately, there's naturally going to be a constriction in your breath.
And therefore, It's going to be felt in how you communicate. [00:34:00] It's going to be felt by the listeners because it's going to feel constricted. It's going to feel like you have a shortness of breath, and that's often when people are trying to control a narrative, they're trying to perfect things, they might not be fully embodied in what they're talking about, and so their brain is racing a mile a minute, trying to come up with what to say and how to say it sort of in the moment, so that it sounds like they're embodied in it.
Or they're coming from a knowledge place. They're speaking from a knowledge, they've learned this, but they're not really fully embodied in it, and they don't really have the level of mastery to talk about it. So there is going to be naturally a constriction. of breath because it's not coming from the depths of your being.
That is full embodiment in terms of what it is that you're talking about, how you're saying it, those sorts of things. And that's for a whole other, whole other podcast episode. But these again are things that I [00:35:00] contemplate in my own realm of influence because The more and more that you're embodied in that message.
And so then it's the question of where am I maybe not fully embodied in what it is that I'm sharing or talking about or whatever, or where do I not feel embodied, right? Where might I still be sort of running in that sort of mental brain of mine that I'm not good enough, that I need to learn more, right?
Because that can completely side rail you as well. You might be deeply. Mastered in what it is that you do, but if your ego sitting there going, I need to learn more. I'm not expert enough. What if I'm not giving value? What if this isn't original enough? These are the voices that can run through in your brain in the background that will naturally impact.
How it is that you communicate your tone of voice, all those sorts of things that again are [00:36:00] what I often call the nonverbal, right? Is the nonverbal cues, the nonverbal energy, all of that. And that again is how you hold yourself, your posture, how you talk, how you communicate, body language, eye contact, you name it, for another episode.
But I want to leave you with this. What does authority and influence look like for you? And if it's different than maybe what you're accustomed to, then what would it look like for you to do it your way? And are there anybody out there that you know, not from a comparative place, that you know that embodied that?
I mentioned Richard Rudd. I think of Rick Rubin as another person, right, who It's sort of this quiet leader. He's got this really beautiful message that he shares with the world, but it's done in a way that to me, isn't performative, isn't loud, isn't like, look at me. I want to be [00:37:00] seen. I want to be the leader in X, Y, and Z.
Like the energy isn't there. Africa Brooke is another, if you don't know who she is, there's just this. Beautiful essence and resonance that resonates out of her that like you just know that she's standing in it that Again doesn't need to be the loudest doesn't mean to be the most vocal doesn't need to be online 24 7 Look around you and see if you can find anybody that Represents that influence that you would love to embody if you aren't already and just observe them observation is such a beautiful thing.
Again, not from a comparison and not from the idea of I need to emulate, but I often will observe. I'm like, why am I drawn to that person? And then I'll say. Oh, this is why I'm drawn to them, not because of what they're selling, maybe not because of how they dress or anything like that, but there usually is something that I'm [00:38:00] really drawn to about who they are, and it usually has to do with this deeper values perspective, but I can get to that once I.
overlook why I came to them in the first place. It usually is through a post or an email or somebody shared a story and I went down a rabbit hole or something like that. And then I'm like, why am I drawn to that human? And I would love for you to contemplate that because oftentimes we can uncover the values.
That they might hold around their business and that essence. We like, Huh, that's why. And then it's like, Huh, where am I not maybe showing up in that way in my business when it comes to my own authority and my own influence. And then the last thing I want to, you know, just leave you with in terms of visibility and being seen, because again, I hear a lot.
I'm, I feel like I'm efforting. I feel like I'm having to push out this message and I'm putting in all this effort. Influence is not about trying to get [00:39:00] people to pay attention to what it is that you're saying. Influence is not about getting seen. Influence is not about standing out. Influence is not about announcing that you're different.
Influence is resonance. It's an essence. It's a being. It's something that's felt. It's not something that is told or a narrative created around it. And that might be counterintuitive to how we've been taught influence and authority building and differentiating and standing out online. Because most of what's taught, in my opinion, is you need to be bold and loud and you need to Show up all the time and be consistent in that and you've got to create the narrative around who you are, what you do, why you do what you do, and [00:40:00] how it's different.
And I'm questioning that at the core of what I do because I'm not perfect in this either. That is my contemplation. I want to invite you to contemplate the same because I would love to hear what comes up for you. I would love to have this conversation where, whether you drop into my DMs or you shoot me an email because I love to hear what people have to say because I know I'm not the only one who's feeling this because I've been having conversations behind scenes and in my own contemplation and just being in community with other people.
And I would love to hear your perspective. So if you want to share that with me, you can pop me over a message on my DMs at Creatively Owned, or you can shoot me an email at Katherine at creativelyowned. com. I read all my messages. I'm happy to answer them. I love to be in conversation. So with that, I hope this episode has been fruitful.
Um, and I've got more for you in store in the weeks coming up. Cheers.
INTRO: Thanks for listening. [00:41:00] We'll see you right back here. Next time. You can also find us on social media at creatively owned and online at creativelyowned. com until next time, keep showing up as your authentic self.