Feb. 11, 2025

From Zero to $106K in 5 Months: The Success Behind the Dollars

From Zero to $106K in 5 Months: The Success Behind the Dollars

It’s easy to flash fast-cash promises that don’t actually reveal the success and often failure beyond the dollars. So I want to pull back the curtain to share the invisible factors that contributed to my success. 

And I’m the success behind the dollars and the unseen factors that I needed to overcome to attract what I wanted. 


  • The invisible factors that contributed to the success and the internal shifts that needed to happen to achieve what I wanted.
  • How discernment led to some massive breakthroughs because it revealed my integrity and values. 
  • The highest frequencies that magnetize people to you before your words ever will and how I needed to clear out where I wasn’t congruent. 
  • Why I needed to create a balance between my masculine and feminine to open myself up to fully receive.
  • The ingredients of a heart-led business and why they are the leaders of the new paradigm. 

After listening to this episode, I’d love to invite you to contemplate these questions:

When you look inward, where are you congruent or incongruent? What’s your outer world reflecting back to you that you don’t like? 

What are your values and are you operating in integrity?

Before you go and binge watch the next episode, if you'd like to discover how to align your message, and offer in a way that’s congruent with you, and your values to generate sales that feel good, I’d love you to book a call with me or one of my team members to discuss how to make this possible for you.

If this episode inspires you in some way, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and let us know your biggest takeaway—whether it’s created those aha moments or given you food for thought on achieving greater success.

 And while you’re here, follow us on Instagram @creativelyowned for more daily inspiration on effortlessly attracting the most aligned clients without spending hours marketing your business or chasing clients. Also, make sure to tag me in your stories @creativelyowned.

Selling the Invisible: Exactly how to articulate the value of your cosmic genius even if your message transcends the typical “10k months” & “Make 6-figures” types of promises. 

Free on-demand training >>> https://www.creativelyowned.co/watchnow

 To find out how to own your unique edge, amplify who you truly are (& get paid for it), take your business to cosmic proportions, and have fun doing it, grab it here!!





INTRO: After generating over a million dollars in sales and selling one of her businesses with a single email, your host, Katherine Thompson takes an unconventional approach to marketing and sales. So if you're ready to tap into a more powerful way to be seen, heard, and a sought after entrepreneur in your industry without having to spend endless hours marketing your business and chasing clients, you're in the right place. Be the sought after entrepreneur podcast is here to help you ditch the cookie cutter one size fits all approach to marketing and use your unique energy to effortlessly attract the most aligned clients. When you do this, you can spend less time marketing your business and more time doing your soul work and enjoying the richness of your life. Welcome to be the sought after entrepreneur podcast. And here's your host, Kathryn Thompson.

Kathryn Thompson: Hey, hey, super stoked that you're tuning in from zero to 106k [00:01:00] in five months, the success behind the dollars. And I'm sharing this with you not to sell you on some monetary value in a certain time period or to sort of dangle this grandiose money win in a short amount of time.

But I want to do this to show you what's possible when you know, Your audience on a very deep level, you know how to connect with them, how to communicate with them. And you also know that you have an offer that people truly want, and you know how to communicate and position that offer in a way that creates demand.

But more importantly, you have a system in place that allows you to move people from cold to sold faster. And you're able to do this without having to follow a cookie cutter process or a step by step process of this is how I made it. And so can you. This is not the essence of me sharing this with you.

This is to just show you what is possible and show you what's possible when you actually lean into your intuition and your [00:02:00] gut instinct and trust That channel of intuition that's dropping in those ideas and trust in the process of following those, even if you don't have the how all figured out and you don't actually even know if it's going to frickin work.

Like I had no idea what was possible. And honestly, I used to cringe and a lot of ways when people would share these. Big money wins in a lot of ways in a short amount of time, because I was comparing myself to them. I was like, well, why, why can they do it? And why can't I like, what am I doing? That's so different in a lot of ways to what they're doing.

Like, I don't see where I'm missing the mark on this. Right. And I kept thinking. When will it be my turn? Like, when can I actually create the success? And I think quantum leaps and collapsing timelines happen, obviously, when we're in full alignment and when we're really congruent with what we're saying, how we're saying it, where that authentic expression comes [00:03:00] into play.

And we're in alignment with the offer. Like we really love the fricking offer that we're selling. And we're doing it in a way that feels really genuine and intentional to us and our values. And I shared with you when I shared the ecosystem, like simplicity was a huge thing for me. I didn't want to create something that was overcomplicated.

And I also didn't want people to have to jump through a bunch of hoops. Like I wanted it really streamlined. And I also wanted it. To move people to an offer, not that I don't want to use the multifaceted essence of who I am, but I wanted to lead to one offer knowing that I could support people in a variety of different ways.

And I did that. And so I want to share with you though, the unseen factors that I needed to create this type of result. What I mean by that is the identity shifts I needed to overcome, because this is huge, and if you're into manifestation, law of [00:04:00] attraction, all those sorts of things, which I'm sure you are, we don't get what we want, we get who we are, and I was in a position for 12 months where I was wanting something so desperately, I wanted the result based off the effort I was putting in, but I wasn't being the person I needed to be in order to achieve that result.

And. I also used to cringe at that because we would say you need to be the person and I'd be like, I have no idea what you're talking about because I couldn't see it for myself. Right. And so I want to walk you through what that looked like for me and what I really sort of needed to change. And also the unseen factors.

Like I said that. I needed to shift through in order to really create the results that I'm sharing with you here. The success beyond the dollars in a lot of ways or behind the dollars or underneath the dollars, because that is to me [00:05:00] is just the surface level. There's a lot of things that happen internally for me to really shift.

And the first piece of this is my own inner authority. I was giving so much of my power, quote unquote, away. I was relying on others to tell me what to do, when to do, how to do it. I was relying on their best advice for me and my business, even though I knew better when I started to question things like not sharing the price or not, you know, not being transparent or dangling the carrot or all this feels very like, you know, keeping things behind a paywall or feeling like I'm creating this.

You know, masterclass or training that sells the why and the what, but gets people to pay on the how, and I was like, I can't offer a training where I'm promising the why and the what, but really I'm withholding the how in a lot of ways like that all felt really icky to me. And yet I did it because I [00:06:00] thought that that was going to create the results.

And so the, the first shift I really needed to make and that invisible factor that I think is. Often the thing at play that will create a lot of authority and trust in the people that are coming into your world is your own inner authority and whether or not you're honoring it. And so I had to come back to that first and foremost.

What was, what are my values? What are my beliefs? What do I hold true? And why do I want to do this? And how am I leading from a place of integrity, my own integrity? Am I doing things in my business that are not congruent with what I believe and the values that I hold? And if so, what are they? And then remove them, right?

Because truth selling, or truth and love, is the highest frequency. And that is captivating and magnetizing above everything [00:07:00] else. People will naturally come into your world. This is the non verbal in a lot of ways, right? I talk about that, that your non verbal speaks way louder than your words ever will.

So while I shared Some key things about my messaging and how I came to fruition with that and the offer and how to position that. Those are very tangible things that absolutely you can do. And obviously the ecosystem, again, very tangible, but the under current of all of that is going to be your non verbal.

And these are the invisible factors. These are the identity shifts. These are the alignment pieces that have to come into place. And for me, the inner authority was huge. What do I want to create, how do I want to create it, and who do I need to get into place to support me in receiving that? Because this isn't about, you know, not asking for help.

That's not at all what it is, right? We need a blend of the masculine and the feminine. In [00:08:00] order to receive, which means we need the structure. We need the systems. We need the tangible messaging and all of that jazz, but we also need the feminine, which is also being able to ask for help and getting the right team in place to support you and having the right resources in place to support you.

Right. In order to receive and having the openness to receive. And for me, in order to be fully open to receive, I needed to be an integrity with what it is I was doing because nothing felt quite good for me. I was posting all the time that didn't feel right. Very good. I was asking for the sale all the time without.

Having any conversations with people that didn't feel good. I was running live launches, which never felt good, right? I was doing a lot of things in my marketing and sales that didn't feel good, even though I had an Epic offer. And even though my messaging was awesome, I just didn't feel good in it. So there's a level of truth that is Fuzzy, right?

There's a level of incongruency that then makes that [00:09:00] truth selling sort of fuzzy. It's like a radio frequency, right? If you're operating on a level of truth and love and generosity and reciprocity, right, which to me is like that heart led business, then everything you do, your strategies, the messaging, the offer, congruent in order for those frequencies to stay at the highest level they are.

And. I had to get really clear on where I was incongruent. So that's the unseen factor. Number one is my inner authority, which is integrity. Am I operating from a place of congruency and integrity? Am I selling something that I'm a master in? Or am I adopting an approach that isn't actually mine, but I'm selling it because I know it'll be successful?

Am I creating an offer that I know will be successful? Am I putting something out there that I know will work, but isn't me? In it, that's the integrity piece. That is the piece that's [00:10:00] going to create fuzziness in the frequency of truth. A hundred percent. The other unseen factor was getting really, really clear and pure around my values and what I valued when it came to business.

And for me, that's creativity, innovation, that's connection, and that's coming from a place of generosity and reciprocity. So those are three key things for me and I had to then go and look at my business and go, where am I not operating from this place of value? Where am I not living my values? And again, a lot of traditional marketing was.

You know, having a paywall or gatekeeping information and there were parts of what I was doing that was gatekeeping when I was selling every day. I was selling without any notion of giving 1st. I was withholding information in the master [00:11:00] class because I was selling the why and the what and. Asking people to pay me for the how.

I'm not saying that we, we don't want to be paid for our work and our medicine or anything like that. I'm just saying that when we hold back what we're here to say and share and all of that, because we think there are certain things we can cut off and on and, you know, all those sorts of things that. We come from that place of scarcity.

Like if I give too much away, people won't buy. And so my business had to align with its values, creativity and innovation being at the forefront, which means no longer selling a step by step or cookie cutter approach, which means Spellbound needed to be ditched the cookie cutter because. If I was selling Dish the Cookie Cutter and then I was teaching people how to follow my process step by step, then I was incongruent with what it is I was selling.

Similarly, with the [00:12:00] whole generosity and reciprocity piece. That everything I created the podcast, the masterclass, the quiz, everything I was creating was coming from a place of generosity and reciprocity that I was going to give way before I ever asked for anything in return, which meant I was no longer selling every single day on my content, every email.

It wasn't a sales email. I had to shift that. Wholeheartedly, because that piece of it was incongruent with what it is I was here and wanting to do and was in alignment with my values. And then the other piece was connection. So, when I'm pushing out a message, like selling every day or showing up on social just to post for the sake of posting to stay visible, there was nothing in my energy that was even remotely looking for connection.

So what could I do to create more intimacy and connection in what it is that I was sharing? [00:13:00] And that changed the facet of my approach because I started to reach out to people in the DMs and have conversations. I invited people to calls, even if I knew they weren't maybe the right fit, I was still getting on calls with people to learn, to listen, to try to understand.

I was, you know, teaching in other people's programs to share my wisdom and my knowledge. I wasn't holding back on my podcast because I, and inviting people to have conversations there. I was making a point of connecting first before trying to convert. And that is a very different energy. And when I approached everything I did that were in alignment with my values and in integrity with who I am as a human, lots of things started to shift in my business because it was from these two places in a lot of ways, these invisible [00:14:00] factors that play a factor.

And then thirdly, There's another factor here at play. I got really, really clear on what I was available for and what I wasn't. So I had no longer allowed myself to have all these energetic leaks out there in the world. So I got very, very, very specific on what I was available for and I wasn't, so that I could tighten up my energetic boundaries.

Which means that I wasn't available for You know, clients that wouldn't meet me 50 percent in the middle. I wasn't available to carry people off mountains. I wasn't available to do all of the work. I wanted thought partnership and allyship. I wanted 50, 50 partnerships. I wanted people that wanted to show up and do the work and to commit to it.

And if they showed up and committed, then I was showing up and committing equally, but I was, I was no longer available [00:15:00] to be the guru or to carry someone up a mountain or to be the rescuer in someone's business. Therefore, I needed to shift my energetic perspective on that. And I needed to shift the language that I was using and I need to shift my own belief and thought around it because I had a belief that I needed to be the person that put in 70 percent and they put in 30 because I had the belief that they needed me to create results.

There was a belief there that I needed to sort of release and let go of. And it's interesting because up until that point. There was a lot of self reflection back to me. There was a lot of people reflecting that back to me. I was like, why am I always attracting people that want me to do all the work for them or who are playing sort of the victim or who want me to carry them up the mountain or who are like, please save my business.

I was like, why am I always attracting that? I had to look internal [00:16:00] instead of, you know, looking outward and going, well, why are they doing that? I had to go, what is within me? That is creating this, that is attracting this into my world and it was my own inner belief because I was worried that if I didn't carry someone up to the mountain or do more of the work for them, they wouldn't get the results.

And I was worried that that I, I carried that responsibility, right? There's this responsibility of like, what if people don't get the results or what if somebody gets frustrated or what if someone gets angry or what if somebody doesn't see the value or. Or whatnot, right? There was a lot of worry around that, and I had to regulate myself and do a lot of somatic work to release a lot of this stored emotion in my body that when I had to do the work and I had to be someone's martyr, and also then on the outside change the languaging.

So I tighten up my energetic boundaries big time. So again, it's looking [00:17:00] at your business from that inner authority, like where am I giving my authority away? Where am I not congruent with my values? Where do I have energetic leaks all over the place that are then mirroring and reflecting back to me my own inner world?

Those are three really, really, really potent invisible factors. And then the fourth one was all around my own inner conviction of what it is, is my zone of genius and what I'm here to do. And that was very apparent to me because Up until that point, I was attracting a lot of people, again, that were reflecting this back to me and not in shame or judgment of them, but as a reflection to show me where I needed to sort of do the work in my own right.

And that was a lot of people questioning me and questioning my work and not being satisfied with it and not seeing the value of it and maybe being, you know, not understanding it. And. That's because I was [00:18:00] wavering in my conviction of what it is that I knew I could support people with, and wavering in my own gifts.

And it wasn't until I was prepared to cultivate that inner conviction within myself, and that inner belief within myself, That thing started to change on my outer world. And when you can create ultimate conviction in what you do and the value that you deliver and the results that are possible, people feel that conviction.

I'm so convicted in Spellbound and what it delivers. I'm so convicted in this podcast and what I'm sharing with you here, because I know that What I share is life changing, whether that's on an internal, deep level, or whether that's on a very outwardly tangible level of creating sales and client attraction, all of that.

And so that inner conviction of like, I know what I'm here to do. I know what my zone of genius is. And that took me seeing myself because nobody else was [00:19:00] going to see me. Unless I was willing to see myself and what I'm here to do and how great I am at what I do. And then the final one was, is my own inner creativity and innovation and following that channel of intuition and leaning into that.

To me, intuition and creativity go hand in hand. So when I talk about creativity, I'm often referencing intuition and channeling these creative ideas. I had to really come back to that and hone that skill and hone and keep that channel open and create those non negotiables within my business. And for me, when I can channel my ideas, all of that, and put that out into the world, my content, my emails, this podcast, none of this is scripted, by the way.

This is just flowing out of me because I'm living my message. I'm embodied in it, right? I'm embodied in my own inner authority. I'm grounded in my values. I'm leading with my intuition and I'm [00:20:00] channeling the ideas that I'm sharing. This message is flowing through me and therefore is resonant with people out in the world, resonant with you because.

It's coming from this pure, channeled place, and this place of wanting to share from generosity and reciprocity and asking for nothing in return. That is what this is. And therefore, it creates a pureness, it creates this truth, this love, this generosity, this reciprocity, this collaboration, this connection, which are such high valued frequencies, and these are the invisible factors.

So I ask you this in this episode, because I can share the money win, I can share the fact that I went from 0 to 106 in 10 years. Five months, and that can be awesome, right? Like that's amazing. And that's an amazing result to create six figures in five months after literally selling one high ticket at [00:21:00] 10 K the year before.

Obviously, I had my one to one copywriting clients. That was sustaining the business, but this was a new offer, a new sort of audience I was communicating with and that for me is the surface level celebration and something to be celebrated, but there's always success beyond or beneath the dollars that we rarely talk about and what I needed to shift.

Internally in order to create these results and of course the messaging and the offer and the strategy added fuel to the fire, but I would not have been able to create this. Without these unseen factors that live in the invisible realm, which is probably what a lot of you are doing and supporting people with.

And so, one, I want you to know, if for whatever reason you doubt the impact, the potency of the work that you do, [00:22:00] I want you to know that it is so, so, so needed and so valuable. And it is valuable beyond words in a lot of ways, because it's these unseen factors that actually create so much of the epic impacts that we see in the quantum leaps that we see.

And the other piece of it is, is that I want you to turn your gaze inward and start to assess and ask where you might not be congruent in your own journey. Why and how that might be impacting the success that you've seen or not seen because we can create epic success But it might not be sustainable So again, this isn't about being right or wrong or better or worse because I've created epic success and burnt the shit out of myself Right?

Like I have been so burnt out and so out of alignment and [00:23:00] ill in a lot of ways, because I was creating success from an unsustainable place. So this isn't about better, worse, right or wrong or anything like that. It's about creating sustainable success and creating success that feels really, really fricking juicy.

And the outcome and the result of that is, is absolutely very tangible, but it starts with, with inside within you already. And so I want you to Take that inner gaze and just start to see where you may be incongruent with your inner authority, your values, your own creative process, your own intuition.

Where are you honoring that? Where are you not? Where are you not maybe super convicted in what it is that you're selling? And maybe it's because you haven't sold it before. Maybe you don't have client experience. Maybe you're trying to sell something that you know will work and be successful, but isn't actually You maybe you're trying to sell something from a place of knowing and mastery.

I mean, there might be a variety of different [00:24:00] reasons, but get really, really clear on. Where there might be friction in your frequency that is causing some fuzzy Friction in terms of what I consider love, truth, generosity, reciprocity, Connection, collaboration, which to me is all about Heart led business and bringing the heart back into business and with that of course if you would love, support, On how to do this within your business.

If you're like, I can't spot these unseen factors. Again, this is a big part of what we do in spellbound. It's the energetics before we even get into the practical strategy piece of it and putting words to what you do. It's really about getting congruent with who you are and really identifying the identity shifts that need to occur in order to create the success you're wanting to call into your world and to really receive it.

Because like I said, we don't get. What we want, we get who we are. And so this is the first step in Spellbound in a lot of [00:25:00] ways. And so I would love to invite you to book a call with me or my team if you're ready. To create really juicy success that goes beyond the numbers, but doing it in a way that feels so in alignment and happens very quickly and effortless for you while also having the practical strategy and whatnot in place.

I'd love for you to book a call with me or one of my team members to chat about how we might be able to support you and not only going from like zero to six figures in short amount of time, but also how to create. I'm going to create that in a way that's in full integrity with who you are, and authentically representative of who you are.

And with that, I cannot wait for the next episode because I'm going to be sharing with you some really epic client stories and the proof in the pudding with the client experience and the delivery that I share within Spellbound. Cheers. Thanks for listening. We'll see you right back here next time. You can also find us on social media at Creatively Owned and online at creativelyowned.

com. [00:26:00] Until next time, keep showing up as your authentic self.