Nov. 28, 2023

The 4 Myths About High Ticket Offers and Sales

The 4 Myths About High Ticket Offers and Sales

If you’re a coach or consultant struggling to decide how to price your products or services, you’ll want to listen to this episode to hear the four big myths about high ticket offers and sales.


  • How high ticket pricing is being used to position offers to say it attracts better more empowered clients and why that isn’t true. 
  • The four myths about high ticket offers and how to decide for yourself how you want to price your offers.
  • The key to pricing anything and why it actually doesn’t matter if you aren’t doing this one thing. 

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INTRO: After generating over a million dollars in sales and selling one of her businesses with a single email, your host Kathryn Thompson takes an unconventional approach to marketing and sales. So if you're ready to tap into a more powerful way to be seen, heard, and a sought after entrepreneur in your industry, without having to spend endless hours marketing your business and chasing clients, you're in the right place. Be The Sought After Entrepreneur Podcast is here to help you ditch the cookie cutter, one size fits all approach to marketing and use your unique energy to effortlessly attract the most aligned clients. When you do this, you can spend less time marketing your business and more time doing your soul work and enjoying the richness of your life. Welcome to Be The Sought After Entrepreneur Podcast. And here's your host, Kathryn Thompson.

Hey, hey, I'm super stoked that you're tuning in this week's episode. I cannot wait to dive into today's topic [00:01:00] because I want to spend this time dismantling four key myths about selling high ticket offers. And when I say dismantle the myths, I'm really meaning I want to shine a light on the notion that we're using these myths, so to speak, to position high ticket offers as being the best over low ticket offers.

And the reason I want to do that is because, as you know, I want to just be really transparent with you about how marketing and sales really works and how we can spot positioning. And not from a bad place, let's just say, but how we can spot it. So therefore we have the knowledge and awareness and insight to make informed decisions about our own business and what works for us.

Because oftentimes when things are positioned a certain way. We kind of take that as like gospel, and we're like, well, so and so said this, and I don't know if I truly believe [00:02:00] that, I'm kind of feeling this over here, but they're a marketing person, or they're a guru, and so I really want to trust what they're saying, and at the end of the day, That's all marketing and sales really is, is like positioning and packaging offers in a certain way that are appealing to people.

And when done with integrity, that's a beautiful thing. But when it's not done with integrity, it becomes kind of manipulative. and can be shameful and can create this, like I said, distraction of, of what is right and what is wrong. And there is no right or wrong. We've seen people thrive selling high ticket.

We've seen people thrive selling low ticket. We've seen people thrive selling mid ticket. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. What matters is, is that you're selling in a place That is in integrity with you, your values, your people that you want to serve. It really doesn't, there is no right or wrong.

And [00:03:00] this is why I want to highlight these four myths, because I think these are the ones that cause a lot of havoc for people. because there is this fear coming through the messaging that makes them think I've got to do this thing. I've got to sell high ticket if I want X, Y, and Z. And we're going to dive in.

So the first myth is only empowered buyers Buy High Ticket. And by that I mean, when I say empowered, I'm meaning people that are committed, I'm meaning people that show up and take action, I'm meaning people that, you know, are willing to do the work, they're not playing victim, I'm meaning people who are, you know, gonna get really great results.

And that couldn't be further from the truth. There is no scientific proof that if you pay 20k to a coach that you're going to get [00:04:00] results and that you're going to show up and you're going to do the work and you're going to be this like super committed action taking person. In fact, I have been in programs that are high ticket and by high ticket I mean anything over 2k and I've seen lots of people not take action because money is not the thing that motivates a lot of people.

Money isn't the thing that drives people. So you could sell a 10 offer, and you could sell it to people that are really motivated to get the results. You have to understand how you motivate your people, and that's where human behavior comes into it. And so you could have a 20k offer, you could have a 10k offer, you could have a 5k offer.

That's just a front facing sticker price tag. If you don't understand how to motivate people [00:05:00] within your community, and everybody's different and everyone has their own motivation factors, it won't matter. They will watch the money go out of their bank account, or they'll watch the money stack up on a credit card, and it won't get them to move.

And again, there's a variety of reasons. One of my biggest motivating factors is being able to be of service to other people. And so if you told me, oh Kathryn, if You do this, this is going to benefit you in all of these ways. You're going to make a ton of money. You're going to be able to live in a mansion.

You're going to be able to fly a private jet. None of that would motivate me to take action. And if a coach was trying to dangle that in front of me, either to buy or to take action in the experience I was in, I still wouldn't take action. But if you flipped it and you put it into the perspective of [00:06:00] serving other people and how it would benefit them, I would be far more likely to take action because that's my motivating factor.

I'm also highly, highly, highly motivated by having deadlines in my calendar and working under pressure. I've always been this way, I thrive under pressure, and if you give me a deadline, I will meet it. If I don't have a focal point, and if I don't have things that I'm working towards, I likely won't take action.

It doesn't mean I'm not empowered, it doesn't mean I'm not committed. I'm committed to the best of them, with the best of them. I am committed. I have a ton of willpower and I'll get shit done. But I have to be working towards something. I can't just be doing work for the sake of doing work, like busy work.

And that really hangs me at PEN Programs when I feel like [00:07:00] there's a lot of undue steps and processes and things in place and it's over complicated and I'm like, I could cut corner there and I could do that faster, right? That's just who I am and how I'm wired and that's no slight or shame on, on people's programs and whatnot, because we all think and breathe and act differently.

And that's okay when you have people in your experience that know who they are at the core of who they are, so they can navigate your teachings and take and get value from your teachings. And that can happen at 7 and that can happen at 20, 000. It doesn't matter because it's about what motivates them and gets them to take action or gets them to create the results that they ultimately want to create.

It comes back to really knowing who you are, the core of who you are. But if you go into a program looking for somebody to tell you that, you're going to kind of struggle through it and likely again, won't take action. And so price, in my opinion, [00:08:00] because people aren't motivated by money or a lot of people aren't motivated by money, there are people that are, but there are a lot of people that are not.

And that factor is not going to be the thing that moves them. And so you could have a beautifully high ticket. Offer that could be amazing and you still may attract people who aren't empowered or at least empowered by the money factor of it. And so the beautiful thing about that is really understanding how to motivate your people and what things you can put in place to support them in taking action.

Like, can you help them map something else? They have focal points and they've got some known milestones they're working towards. Can you, uh, create some, uh, like a reward system to some degree? Like if you complete these four steps, you'll win this or you'll get this, right? It's that like sort of reward factor of like, Oh wow, uh, this is super beneficial to me.

And it's not just about like, you'll get a gift card. It's like something that will really benefit them. So it's looking at your [00:09:00] experiences and creating them from that perspective of like, not only am I selling this offer, As a coach or a consultant or a mentor, but I also need to support my clients through that client delivery to get results.

And that also takes some finessing and it can, like I said, regardless of the program, you can create a passive offer that beautifully walks people through and. supports them in taking action and then also completing it so it doesn't collect dust on your shelf. Um, one of the ways that I recently just did that was with my newest Offer, which is a low ticket offer, the offer architect is that all people have to do is complete the seven days.

It doesn't have to be congruently, could take them 30 days if they want to, but all they have to do is complete the seven days and then submit that to me and I'll audit it for them. So that is like enticing in and of [00:10:00] itself because it's a passive offer and it's. a low ticket offer. And yet I've created and baked in some accountability, but also some motivation that to me would really motivate people that my eyes will be on their offer.

And again, it's not really heard of in a Low ticket passive offer perspective because typically you're not getting that one-to-one eyes on your business. And so that is a beautiful way you can do it. You can think of a, a bunch of different ways that you could implement that into it. So that one, it's fun, it's simple.

they know what action they need to take because oftentimes people don't know and it's not that again that they're not empowered they just don't know the steps they should be taking or that they need to take and that as a coach or a mentor consultant is really your responsibility to support them on that and navigate that and to lead from that perspective so they know where they're going and how they can get there [00:11:00] and that again is is totally Up to you to to lead that.

So that myth that only empowered buyers buy high ticket is the thing that often people will say to me that they don't wanna sell low ticket 'cause they're scared that people won't take action or they're gonna have a bunch of people in victim mode or. All of the things and that can't be further from the truth.

It's not about the price tag, it's going to be about how you motivate your people and that comes down to your own leadership and the way in which you design your experiences for your people and that is, is your responsibility to ensure that your people have what they need. Now in saying that, yes. There may be people that maybe get into an experience with you and don't realize how triggered they are, or that they maybe get in and they're like, I can't do this.

Their body shuts down, right? That happens a lot. And again, I think we blame people because we're like, Oh, well, they, they don't want to do this anymore. They're not doing it. But [00:12:00] sometimes when you go into experiences, especially as an entrepreneur, especially if you're in the personal development space in any way, shape, or form and doing any personal development with people, like.

It brings up a lot and sometimes a lot of things that we don't even know or expect, and we don't even know how to navigate it, you know. I have lots of clients who work with me and it's no, no surprise to me when we get going in that first, you know, two weeks everyone's like gung ho and the adrenaline's high, and then when that adrenaline sort of Settles and we start to do the work, things come up, there might be an illness, there might be things that come up that kind of derail them and that is all normal and there's nothing wrong with that and so I think there's even this part of me that's like, I wish we would stop saying empowered or try to paint this brush of like, you know, that person is better than this person because, you know, they're taking action.

Like, action sometimes [00:13:00] isn't The thing that we need to do. Sometimes we just need to pause and rest and action is actually the thing that we're addicted to. We're addicted to taking action. We're addicted to doing we can't sit still. So that for me, I would love for you to look at that perspective. If you've heard that, and maybe you're worried, like, I don't want to do low ticket because I'm scared.

I'm not going to have action takers or empowered people. And I just want to offer that reframe for you that at the end of the day that really in reality the price tag is not the thing that's going to motivate people or at least it's not going to motivate a lot of people and so if there are people that are in your experiences and you're selling low ticket or high ticket and they're not taking action that really at the end of the day you are the leader and you are the person they've invested in to support them and so what can you do to support them and motivate them in taking action and what can you look within yourself that potentially the program that you've created or the experience you've created is not the bee's knees.

Um, [00:14:00] and that it does need refining. And I think there's, you know, a lot of humility in, in that. I've been in a handful of programs where I think sometimes that is not received well from the person who's, Running the program, uh, because there's this fear of like, well, if I admit that I don't have everything sorted completely, perfectly, that you know, who am I to teach this?

That imposter syndrome starts to like creep in, but at the end of the day, that. creating that feedback loop with your people is super, super valuable and just ensures that you do have an exceptional client experience, even if it is low ticket, if you have that open door policy and I mean really open door that you can bring feedback and share that, it doesn't mean that everything that gets shared to the person is they're gonna do for you.

They've got to run that through their own internal system. And that's the respect I think we can create, whether we're investing. in coaches or mentors or whether we're, um, running an [00:15:00] experience, right? Is that at the end of the day, we can have a ton of requests. It's not about people pleasing, but it's about really running through your system.

What is right and aligned for you. And then the other myth is high ticket offers offer more value. And I can't remember what episode I shared this on, but I did. And it had to do with wine. And when I was doing my sommelier training, one of the big tests we always had was like the brown bag test, right?

Where you'd put a bottle of wine in there. and it was in a brown bag and you didn t know what it, what wine it was, and you were blindfolded. You didn t know what it was and you didn t know, like, the price point or anything like that, and you had to guess based on your own taste, like, is it a Chardonnay or is it a Pinot Grigio or, um, and then, and then the more sophisticated small EA training, um, was, like, can you distinguish the region, right, and all of that, but then also can you distinguish the price point.

And what s really cool is, is that [00:16:00] You know, we learned that sometimes really high priced wine is not actually that good and that you can get a really cost effective bottle of wine and it be absolutely phenomenal. And there's a variety of different reasons for that. And one of the reasons, um, for sure is, is that like, if it's a new winery, when we were out, In British Columbia, we were touring around the wineries and there was a brand new winery that popped up.

And so their bottles of wine were, you know, 40 when the other wineries were going to, they were like 15. And I preferred the 15 bottle over the 40 bottle. And then I remember asking our guide, I was like, you know, why, why is that? You know, and he just said, there's a lot of variety, like reasons why this can happen in price.

plays a factor in that, is that, you know, it's a brand new winery, they just bought the land, real estate now, and land prices are a hell of a lot more expensive than a winery that's been in the family for centuries or decades or [00:17:00] whatever, and therefore the land is paid off, and so they can offer wine at a cheaper rate than maybe some of the newer ones, and so we can't really look at price and equate that to value, because There are so many factors that go into that.

And the same is true with the coaching and the healing space too, is that again, value is objective. And I think that's another thing you have to consider that like you could have 50 people come into your experience and you could have. 45 people that absolutely love it. And then you have five people that are like, this sucks.

And you'll always have that in your business. It doesn't matter how good you are at what you do. We had five star reviews like crazy with the wine store, but you would get the odd customer here and there. That just wasn't that satisfied. And. That is part of the gig, right? That's part of the gig of doing business is that not everyone's gonna [00:18:00] like what you do, and not everyone's gonna be happy with it, and that is okay as long as you're grounded in who you are, and you know who you are, and if you do mess up, then at least you acknowledge it, and you own it, and you apologize for it.

And that's all really that you can do is like, know that you're doing the best that you can do. So high ticket offers don't necessarily offer more value. Um, and I would never look at the price point of something and make that decision on that. Uh, because. It just isn't true. And then selling high ticket is easier than selling low ticket.

And this is an interesting one because I've heard this a lot, is that it's way easier to sell high ticket. And at the end of the day, sales is easy if you have a well articulated offer. And at this point, you might be getting tired of me saying that, but it's the truth. That You can sell a shit ton of low ticket priced offers, whether it's a product or a service, and make a shit ton of money, and [00:19:00] make it quickly, and make it fast.

If your offer is positioned well and you're communicating it effectively and you're the people that you're wanting to attract into your world and buy from you, see the perceived value of it. You could have a high ticket offer that is packaged position beautifully and all the things and it sell absolutely amazingly as well.

But you could have a high ticket offer that is packaged and positioned poorly and it doesn't sell. At all, and you could have a low ticket that does that. It doesn't matter. It comes down to your ability to articulate the value of what you do, but more than that, position it differently than everybody else.

Like what makes what you do unique and different? What do you bring to the table that other people don't? But also what are the things that your people really want? And I call them enrollment igniters, right? Like, what are the enrollment igniters that will get someone really [00:20:00] interested in what it is that you're doing?

So, for example, with Spellbound, right? A lot of people will come to me and they're like, I want the structure and systems that you provide, because you've got this, like, really grounded and practical energy, and I want that. I also see that you have this beautiful system set up and you've built that, and I want that because right now I feel like I'm either scattered or winging it.

And I want to create consistency in my world. Other people will come to me and they're like, I have no idea how to create content and copy that moves people down that customer mind journey. Please show me how to write copy. And then they have other people that are like, you have this really unique energetic perspective that a lot of marketers sometimes don't bring to the table because it usually is from a very masculine, analytical, logical, and psychological perspective.

But you come with this like intuitive instinct ability that I don't really see, or that's rare or whatnot. Um, these are things that people tell me. By the way, these are not like [00:21:00] self-proclaimed things that I'm saying. These are, this is what I hear from my clients that come into my world. Um, so I'm not meaning that there aren't people doing this.

They're very well. there's a lot of people out there that are amazing at what they do, but this is what I hear from y'all and my clients. And so, these are things that people are really intrigued by, and that's what people come to me for. And so those are the ways in which I communicate it, even though the big transformational promise that I have around Spellbound is I will help you create a high converting funnel using high converting copy and content, but that's usually not what gets people to book a call with me.

that program promise. It's usually these beautiful little. enrollment igniters that will get people to reach out and say, Hey, I want to talk to you and all things I teach people how to do in the offer architect, by the way, um, and in Spellbound and, and all of that, it's, it's a process and a practice that I bring forth into my work.

Because in my opinion, sales [00:22:00] is easy when you have this really well articulated. It's not about whether it's high ticket, low ticket or whatnot. I know people that have a 97 offer and have built a multi million dollar business. I know people that sell a 20k offer and you know, have made a million dollars in business or more.

So again, it doesn't, it doesn't matter. You can, you can create the wealth and sales in your business as long as you have a phenomenal offer, um, that delivers on the promise that you've made. And then you have to sell less when you have a high ticket offer. And logically that is true. You have to sell less to make the same amount of money.

Logically, yes, that is true, but. I actually don't buy into the fact that you have to sell less. You spend less time selling because people are more inclined to buy or invest in a high ticket, which is not true again. Again, selling to me is however you want to [00:23:00] sell it. You could send one email and post once in stories or you could send emails.

Every day or multiple times in a week, which what most people do, right? I don't know. A lot of marketers, and I will say this with full honesty, I don't know, and I'm on a lot of lists 'cause I've opted into things to go down people's funnels just to see what they're doing and how they're doing it. And, and I just, I love to observe people's funnels and to see what's working and not it's working.

And I get a lot of emails. I have a whole separate email set up. that comes and it's like, you know, when I'm getting emails like three times a day from somebody or two times a day or twice or three times a week, I mean, that's a lot of selling in my opinion. And again, it's, there's no right or wrong. This isn't about like, Oh my gosh, people send so many emails.

It's just about the perspective, right? That you have to sell less. And then I observed somebody who is, you know, positioning high ticket as the best thing for [00:24:00] you because you sell less, but then you're. Posting more and emailing more, it doesn't make sense to me, right? And so it doesn't add up. And then when I observe that it doesn't add up, I'm like, okay, this is totally a positioning tactic.

But I can see through the, I can see it straight away of what it is, but I know that it wrecks havoc on a lot of people because they're like, what do I, what price point do I make it? And some people are really called to creating a really valuable experience and, and pricing it. At a more accessible price under a thousand dollars and then feel kind of bad about it.

'cause it's like, well, I'm gonna struggle with all these things though. I'm gonna struggle with disempowered buyers. I'm going to struggle with people perceiving that low ticket has no value. I'm gonna struggle with. Be The Sought After Entrepreneur Podcast, The big [00:25:00] thing is shifting the perspective out of there is a right and wrong, it's black and white, or shifting the perspective to that is when you hear something and you see something, you get really curious about it and you start to kind of observe.

So that requires pause, that requires sitting back for a moment, that requires not frantically buying something, that requires not rushing through life and business, right? That requires a regulated, grounded nervous system to sort of make these decisions so that you're not reacting to messages that are out there.

And you're not allowing these messages to create a reaction within you that then impacts and dictates your entire business, that you're able to make that decision from a grounded, non reactive place. You're responding. You're like, okay, I actually like what this person's saying. I like the fact that, um, you know, selling high [00:26:00] ticket would require me just sell less of the thing and still make the same, right?

I don't, I can sell a hundred low ticket, but I only need to sell one high ticket to make the same, let's just say, right? And I, and I want that, you know, or I'd rather sell high ticket because I want. to create more of an intimate community and therefore I can deliver better value in my opinion as a human because I don't have to take on as many clients.

These are responding to what you want to do from an aligned place versus Someone's was telling me that if I sell low ticket that I'm going to only attract a victim mindset people. That's not true That's reacting to something somebody said versus sitting in in your own authority and going that doesn't really make sense Is that true 100 percent of the time?

That's the [00:27:00] question I often ask which then dismantle Dismantles pretty much everything right? Is that 100 percent true all the time? No. Okay. Well, then it's not true Right? Um, and it's not about proving other people wrong, it's just about not allowing the outside noise and world to sway you, to pull you in all the different directions.

And it's why I record these podcasts, not to like, shame or point out like, Oh, these people lie in their marketing. Like that's not at all why I'm recording it. I'm recording it to show you both sides of the coin so that you can make an informed decision for yourself. It's the transparency I want to share because everybody's positioning their offers in some way, shape, or form that creates that demand, right?

I do it. Everybody does it. Anyone that's selling a product or a service is using some type of marketing and sales to sell it. It's just whether or not it's coming from a place of integrity and integrity to me is like self [00:28:00] integrity too, right? It's not just about integrity to the other person. It's self integrity.

Like where am I not in integrity with myself? Where am I, you know, making decisions from a place of Outsourcing to somebody else that's telling me what to do. That's a big one. That's self integrity. Like, I'm selling High Ticket because somebody told me I needed to sell it because that's what works and here's the reasons why.

That, to me, is outsourcing it. Selling High Ticket because you want to keep it intimate and you want to serve a minimal amount of people because energetically you can't hold groups of 7, 000. So if you're selling a low ticket offer, you've got to sell a hell of a lot more of those to make the income depending on the price point of the low ticket.

But if you're low tickets, 97, 197, you've got to sell a lot more of those. So then you have a bigger group of people that you have to sell to [00:29:00] and a bigger customer base. And that can throw people off, because they're like, well, I don't really want to be responsible to that group of people in terms of delivering this thing, right?

So I'd rather deliver to five people than a hundred. That's a very grounded place to make a decision from, and, and only you know that. But this is where, again, we want to shed some transparency and light on. In my opinion, the way in which things have been positioned, and how can we spot when maybe the positioning isn't 100 percent true all the time, or maybe the positioning is trying to convince me that I need high ticket in order to be successful.

That for me feels like really uneasy on my body, because now I feel like there's only one way to go, and one right way to go. [00:30:00] And that I get really uneasy with that because I know that there isn't that. And that's what I'm trying to help paint a picture for because I really, really, really want people to really trust that there is no right or wrong and that they get to do it the way they want to do it.

And that you can be successful selling high, low, mid. You get to be successful in however you want to deliver it. You want to do one to one, you want to do group, doesn't matter. You get to be successful. I have lots and lots of clients that come through Spellbound who are like, I just want to do one on one.

I have no desire to scale a group. And that is perfectly okay. But again, we get this in this mindset that, you know, well, group's better because it's the only way to scale. Which isn't 100 percent true. Because you can have a beautiful one to one container experience for people, and then maybe [00:31:00] add in a low ticket passive offer.

You can sell high ticket and low ticket. Again, this is probably the fifth myth, right? That, well, if you sell high ticket, you can't sell low ticket, which is not true. You can absolutely have a product suite. that has high and low ticket baked in. So with that, I hope this episode has been super valuable to help you dismantle the four big myths, adding in a fifth at the end, um, so that you can just make a decision about what you want to do ultimately.

And maybe it's not even making a decision. Maybe it's like, I'm going to do both. I'm going to do high ticket and low ticket. So with that, I'd love for you to subscribe to the show. I'd also love for you to reach out to me over on Insta at Creatively Owned. Um, and let me know if this has been impactful and beneficial for you.

If it's been eye opening, if it's been like, whew, I finally feel the freedom to just do it my way. I would love that. Um, that would mean the world to me and I love hearing from you. So with that, I hope you have a fab day. Cheers. [00:32:00] Thanks for listening. We'll see you right back here next time. You can also find us on social media at Creatively Owned and online at creativelyowned.

com. Until next time, keep showing up as your authentic self.