Sept. 3, 2024

How to Step into the Unknown and Trust the Pivot in Business Even if You’re Experiencing Success with Ali Daniel Posco

How to Step into the Unknown and Trust the Pivot in Business Even if You’re Experiencing Success with Ali Daniel Posco

If you’ve ever achieved success but decided it wasn’t aligned anymore, you’ll want to listen to this episode with Ali Daniel Posco as she shares her story of leaning into the unknown and pivoting in business after building a wildly successful business.

Ali Daniel Posco is a spiritual business coach and mentor who's helped over 450 women start and grow soul-aligned businesses with confidence, using their own unique magic and wisdom. She’s grown her business to over $2 million and loves using it as a vehicle for her own personal growth.


  • How Ali grew her business and achieved amazing success but decided to pivot and surrender to the process. 
  • The difficult decisions she had to make and how she honored herself and what she desired even though not everyone was happy with the changes.
  • Why she decided to pivot even though her business was experiencing amazing success and how she’s trusting her journey. 

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INTRO:: [00:00:00] After generating over a million dollars in sales and selling one of her businesses with a single email, your host, Kathryn Thompson, takes an unconventional approach to marketing and sales. So if you're ready to tap into a more powerful way to be seen, heard, and a sought after entrepreneur in your industry, without having to spend endless hours marketing your business and chasing clients, you're in the right place.

INTRO:: Be The Sought After Entrepreneur Podcast is here to help you ditch the cookie cutter, one size fits all approach to marketing and use your unique energy to effortlessly attract the most aligned clients. When you do this, you can spend less time marketing your business and more time doing your soul work and enjoying the richness of your life.

INTRO:: Welcome to Be The Sought After Entrepreneur Podcast. And here's your host, Kathryn Thompson.

Kathryn Thompson: Hey, hey, I am super stoked to have Allie on the [00:01:00] show today to share her journey in entrepreneurship. All The Changes And The Pivots And Where She Started And Where She Is Now Because I Know It Will Be Super Beneficial For Y'all To Just Hear Her Story. So Without Further Ado, I'm Just Going To Turn It Over To You To Share A Little Bit About Who You Are And What You 

Ali Daniel Posco: Do.

Ali Daniel Posco: Awesome. I'm so excited to be here. I know we had like a couple minutes that we were just chatting before and there, I feel like that could have been the podcast in and of itself, just all the goodies. Um, I'm so excited to be here. So Kathryn and I have known each other for quite a long time. At this point, um, we've kind of like jumped back and forth now.

Ali Daniel Posco: Like I was supporting Kathryn very early on in your business. And then recently I just, um, jumped into one of Kathryn's courses to get kind of like a little refresh on content and messaging. Um, I just wanted to like, yeah, just have a new, like fresh take on things. And I've been loving, like I was telling you, Kathryn, loving the way that you're just talking about content and messaging and really speaking to like a higher level of people.

Ali Daniel Posco: So anyway, Kathryn and I go way back, so I'm excited to [00:02:00] be here. Um, and you obviously know a lot of my journey, um, especially. But, um, so I'm a spiritual business coach and mentor. I'm really leaning towards more of the like mentorship side of things. At this point, I really, I almost don't even align with saying business coach, um, anymore.

Ali Daniel Posco: But, um, so I am a spiritual business coach. I say that because I really focus on. So much on the inner work and not just the personal growth and development work, but really the spiritual aspect, the aspect of like aligning with your soul, your values, your purpose, and also with like your higher self and your higher power and really using that like as a business partner and just the support in your business.

Ali Daniel Posco: Um, so I never. I have never leaned fully just on business and marketing and content. Um, I've always had a bit of a blend, but even more recently with some of the pivots that I've been having, leaning way more towards, um, more of the alignment and the [00:03:00] spiritual aspects of things. I actually just launched a new offer for the first time in like many years, cause I'm so I'm so simplistic and what I like to do I've always just had like one or two offers and that's it.

Ali Daniel Posco: Um, so this is like a really big deal for me to go launch something new but um yeah I just created a new membership, and it has like two tiers one that's just like spiritual and soul, and then another business tier which is like The soul and spirit tier plus like business support. And I'm so excited about it because I've always just been really drawn to helping people grow and just come home to themselves and love themselves and learn how to like live life with more intention and meaning and fulfillment.

Ali Daniel Posco: And so now I feel like I'm finally blending that and getting able to really dive deep into that. So I'm super excited. Um, yeah, so that's. Like where I'm at. And like you said, Kathryn, I've been going through a lot of pivots. Um, I've been in this phase right now, which I'm sure we'll dive into a lot, but it's this phase of kind of like burning it down, burning a lot of things down in my business.[00:04:00] 

Ali Daniel Posco: And I know that I'm not alone in this right now. I've been, I was just actually writing a post to come out later this week, just about how like I'm looking left and right. And it's like, Every other person is like, burn it down. I ditched my million dollar business. I did this, I'm quitting. I'm like, and I'm just like, wow, this is a, it's not just me right now.

Ali Daniel Posco: It's like happening all around. And I have a theory as to why, or at least part, um, I'm sure there's many reasons, but there is something that I feel is really like a big cause to it. So, like I said, I'm sure we'll get into it all, but that's me. I'm excited to be here. Thanks for having me, Kathryn. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, I'm so pumped.

Kathryn Thompson: There's so many things I want to dive into because I think, I don't think I know. I've seen it too, that there's lots of people all over the place questioning their journey, questioning what they want to do, questioning like where they're at burning things down, hardcore pivoting, some even contemplating going back to like corporate or getting a job and all those sorts of things.

Kathryn Thompson: And not because they haven't created success. They have, [00:05:00] they're just like, you know, um, There's lots of things. And I know you said you kind of had a theory, but I want to, and the thing that drew me to you originally, when I started working with you was the whole alignment piece. I was so out of alignment.

Kathryn Thompson: And I know you probably remember that I was in such a state of misalignment out of my brick and mortar. Well, I was in my brick and mortar in the thick of it, but I was just like, and I remember the process you took me through and it was such a difficult process. Yeah. Because of the uncomfortable pros like of what you had to sort of like discover about yourself, but that you were the first person that I came into my world within the online world of like that really talked about alignment, but also thinking back to it now, like, one of the things that you took us through was like, Hey, Get rid of everything.

Kathryn Thompson: Like if you have to go to a cabin in the woods and not talk to anybody, just like you need to turn alone. Yeah. Be alone. Just to turn the noise off. Yeah. [00:06:00] Turn the noise off. And it's such a practice now for me on the daily, right. It's like, I tune a lot of stuff out so that I can come back to that. 

Ali Daniel Posco: Like, I don't listen to podcasts right now.

Ali Daniel Posco: I don't read, I don't read any like business or marketing or even like a lot of spiritual, like, I, I'm like, I know, I know what I need to do. Like, just let me pay attention to me right now. Yeah. Yeah. We have those phases. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, totally. So. What led you to do the business that you, like, when I came into your world, like that business, because there was also part of your story then is what really drew me to you as well.

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, 

Ali Daniel Posco: yeah, definitely. Um, so the reason I started my business in the first place was I went through a really big, and if you hear my dog barking, that's Emma, I was just yelling at her. The mail was coming, just sipping a bunch of water back there. But, um, I started my business because I got really, really sick.

Ali Daniel Posco: And, um, I had been living. Kind of life on autopilot, nine to five, just, I was 25, you [00:07:00] know, doing what you do after college, you get your job, you work. And I just reached this point where I was feeling really unfulfilled, but I didn't really know what to do. So I just kind of avoided it. I was like, I don't want to do anything like different.

Ali Daniel Posco: That's too scary. And so of course, like knowing what I know now, like life really handed me the experiences that I needed in order to get out of that state. Fear state to get out of the state of like, Oh no, I can't do anything different. I don't want to stand out. Oh my gosh. What if I fail? What if I get judged?

Ali Daniel Posco: Like life gave me all the experience of being sick. Um, so that I could heal from that. And not to say that, like, I don't experience that ever now, but it gave me the opportunity to like, do something different and built, like start my business. Because I did like while I was sick, I had to face a lot of judgment.

Ali Daniel Posco: I had to face like losing everything. I lost everything from like jobs to friends to my identity, my appearance. Like I just didn't even, I didn't [00:08:00] look like myself. I looked awful. Um, so it just like, it really gave me all of those, like as awful as it was. It gave me all of these like healing opportunities.

Ali Daniel Posco: And from there, I was just like at that point where I had experienced rock bottom. So what like, what harm could it do to try something that I actually felt excited about, which was, I always had like an entrepreneurial itch. I started like, um, I started selling Halloween candy, like leftover Halloween candy.

Ali Daniel Posco: When I was little, I started selling these like off brand USC, where I went to school, like water bottles, on the down low when I was in college. I started like an online little shop to resell things like I always had that like entrepreneurial spirit, but it always felt too scary. I was like, Oh, there's no way I could do that.

Ali Daniel Posco: That would be way too scary. And I always saw entrepreneurship as like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg or like, you know, the really famous, like, startup founders. And I was like, that's not me either. So like, I don't think I can do that. [00:09:00] So I never, I just kind of put it to the side. I was like, I'll never do that.

Ali Daniel Posco: But then when I got sick, it gave me the courage, just like, fuck it. If I can say that, I'm just gonna like, I'm just gonna dive in and try it. So that's really what led me to starting my business. And when I started it, it was so much about finding yourself and connecting with your soul and becoming self aware and overcoming your mindset and limiting beliefs.

Ali Daniel Posco: and fears because that was everything that I had gone through. And so I kind of had created this, like what I call like my soul alignment process to really get aligned and connected with yourself. And so I started sharing that on my blog and coaching people here and there. But every single person who came to me was like, I want to start a business.

Ali Daniel Posco: Like, I want to do this. I want to like start something. And I had been doing like freelance PR and Um, just like little, again, little things here and there to like generate my own income. So I was like, all right, well, let me help you with that. Like, I'm pretty sure I could help you like get your idea, [00:10:00] right?

Ali Daniel Posco: Get clarity. That's what Path to Freedom was when I first started was like, get clarity and start your business. That's all it was. And then it just kind of evolved from there. And eventually I. I found that I really loved working with like coaches and healers and practitioners. So then I kind of niched down more.

Ali Daniel Posco: Um, and then as I became better at coaching people and growing my own business, then it started evolving into actually like grow your business and get clients and market your business. So like, It just evolved over time into that, but it always had that element of soul and alignment and connecting with your values.

Ali Daniel Posco: And I know like a lot of the work that you, for example, I remember doing with you and Scale With Soul especially was the, like, kind of moving beyond hustle culture and like letting go of this, like, always This need to work more and achieve more for that like worthiness and I remember you like move through so much of that in that program and it was just like so cool to witness because I honestly think that you were [00:11:00] one of my first clients that really like I saw that transformation from like you being so So man, like destroyed in your wine business from the relationships to the work and just all of it to like finally being like, no, I'm not taking that anymore.

Ali Daniel Posco: And that was just such a cool shift to see. So I remember that so vividly. Um, so 

Kathryn Thompson: yeah, that's 

Ali Daniel Posco: kind of how it came to be. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, it was such a spiritual shift and it's interesting because it was like such a pivotal moment. And I remember even my mom saying like, what did you do? Like, what's interesting because I think, like I said, the reason I was so like attracted to your work was not even necessarily the business side of things.

Kathryn Thompson: It was the alignment and the, and the deep healing. It, that's the piece for me that really brought me into your work because I knew I needed to do something differently. And I, I so resonated with your story of getting very, very ill. And I was very ill in my brick and mortar. Um, so burnt out, so rock [00:12:00] bottom.

Kathryn Thompson: And knew that I couldn't sustain, like literally couldn't sustain it. And I remember Craig even saying to me like, this is not gonna bode well. Like stress doesn't. Stress is the thing that's gonna continue to cause more and more illness. So like, gotta make a shift. And I remember my mom saying like, what?

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, what did you do? 'cause it was such a, it was almost, I, I don't wanna say overnight. 'cause it wasn't overnight. Yeah. It felt like it was when it the, when the, when it lands. When it 

Ali Daniel Posco: lands, yeah. Yeah. When it lands, it's like, oh. Okay, I get it now. It like, it's almost that like, it just snaps into place.

Ali Daniel Posco: And it's like, all the work you've been doing leads up to it. But it's like, all of a sudden, it just clicks. I totally know the feeling. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah. And it's so not overnight, but it looks on the outside people. Yeah, it very much looks overnight when it's 

Ali Daniel Posco: like, 

Kathryn Thompson: no, I had to go through. a dark night of the soul for this.

Ali Daniel Posco: Yeah, I always say like I died a few deaths. Yeah. Yeah. Like you said, dark night of the soul. A hundred percent. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah. Yeah. And so [00:13:00] you're starting to kind of pivot now or you have pivoted, you're changing sort of direction. Yeah. Step. What sparked that? Yeah. 

Ali Daniel Posco: So I know I, I hired like a whole web designer and Someone to like redo my website.

Ali Daniel Posco: And it's so funny because like, I almost wish I had waited a few months because so much has changed. Like I'm like going back in there and redoing the website, not the designer thing, it looks great, but like the coffee and the content. Um, so I think. Around like mid last year, like around last summer, you know, what actually really started it was me getting married, which is kind of weird to say.

Ali Daniel Posco: I never, I honestly didn't think it would change anything. Like Greg and I have been together for seven, almost seven years now. Like it's been a while, like most of the span of my business 

Kathryn Thompson: and 

Ali Daniel Posco: we've lived together since COVID happened. And so to us, it didn't feel like a lot was shifting, but energetically a lot really did shift.

Ali Daniel Posco: for me. Um, so I think getting married [00:14:00] was like, and getting engaged, it kind of like started to kick it off. But as we approached the wedding, like I would say spring of last year. So we got married in August, like spring of last year was really when like things were coming into a head where I just started to feel like, man, a lot is shifting and I know something needs to change in my business.

Ali Daniel Posco: That's all I knew. I was like, I know something needs to change. I don't yet know what it is. So to me that what I do in those times is I kind of like let go and I'm like, okay, I'm not going to do anything. I'm not going to try to figure it out because when I do that, I just overwork and I stress myself out.

Ali Daniel Posco: I'm just going to like wait and see what happens. And so, um, My team member who always did my sales calls, she ended up having to leave after like three and a half, four years with us. And, um, that was like, okay, maybe this is what needed to change. I don't know. Um, but, but my wedding was coming up. And so there really wasn't a lot of time for me to like, think about what I wanted to do differently.

Ali Daniel Posco: So again, I just kind of like said, I'll, when I [00:15:00] get back from my honeymoon. I will figure it out. Like we'll see what happens. And as soon as I came back from my honeymoon, maybe like two weeks later, I just like, I knew like, it was like the knowing everything just landed. And I knew that I wanted to go back to blogging, more podcasting, um, more sustainable long term strategies versus like social media and connecting with people there.

Ali Daniel Posco: Um, Because that's, while it has worked beautifully for a long time, it really wasn't working as well as it used to. And I think part of that is industry changing, but also my own alignment. Like it wasn't feeling good for me anymore. Um, and more of like my feminine energy that I have been tapping into, it wasn't.

Ali Daniel Posco: It was up to that point, a much more masculine strategy. So I knew that that wasn't feeling good. So I was like, I want to stop that. I want to start this. I'm going to rebrand. I'm going to do all this. And I had this whole plan in my head and I was really excited about it. Could feel my generator energy, just like going, I was like, you know what I mean?

Ali Daniel Posco: Like [00:16:00] working and you're like, it's 11 o'clock at night. I normally go to bed at nine. I'm like, I'm fine. Like, and from a true place of like, yeah, from a true place of being fine. Like I, when I get into those spaces, I could work. All night. I'd never do, but like, it would be fun. I enjoy it. But anyway, I ended up, um, working with a coach and, um, I knew I wanted to hire a mentor.

Ali Daniel Posco: I didn't make the right decision at that point. Um, and it wasn't the wrong decision. I learned a lot, but. What happened was I actually didn't do the pivot at that point. So I hired this coach. Yeah, it's a great lesson that I would be happy to share with people. So you don't make the same mistake. Um, you know, I think there, uh, what I did was I was like, this is what I want to do.

Ali Daniel Posco: This is what's happening. And I told my, my husband and I told my coach and they both were like, do you have to burn it down? Like, do you have to do this? Because this is working. Maybe just spend a little bit of time, like, What [00:17:00] do you call it? Rehabbing it and just getting it back to a point where it's like working for you and then build upon it.

Ali Daniel Posco: I was like, that sounds logical. You know, I was like that, that does. It sounds like, why not? Why not do that? Why not keep what's kind of working and like rehab it a little bit and then build upon it. So I did that. And I did that. And let's see, I was like, I'm going to give it a couple months. Yeah, if, if after like three or four months, it's not working and I'm done with it, then I'm gonna burn it, blow it up.

Ali Daniel Posco: Yeah, exactly. Well, the holidays came, the holidays are usually a little slower for us. So I was like, I'll wait a little longer, ended up waiting till March. So this is like October to March, about like six months. By March, I was like, it's not, it's not, no, I can't do it anymore. I can't do it. And I just felt my energy, like, even though it wasn't a big task, like, it's not like there was a lot of work I was doing, I could feel.

Ali Daniel Posco: And again, knowing that I'm a generator, like I just. There was no [00:18:00] aliveness, no excitement. And I was like, I can't, I can't anymore. So I like laid off a whole section of my team and I stopped doing a whole lead gen strategy that had been bringing in, um, you know, in its heyday, like 10 or 12 clients a month in the last year, uh, probably like.

Ali Daniel Posco: three to five clients per month. So like still, again, still operating, um, nowhere near where it was when like that strategy was kind of like newer, but, um, it was still working. And so, yeah, I blew that up. And then, so that like brings us to spring. And so now finally, I've had the space to get into their creation mode of what I want to do.

Ali Daniel Posco: It took a while for me to really figure out because springtime around April was when I was like, okay, This wasn't the only thing that needed to change. It's feeling like my mastermind is not right either, which was really scary for me because that was like one, just one of my big [00:19:00] moneymakers in my business, like huge made up half my income.

Ali Daniel Posco: And two, like, I, I loved it. You know, like you were in it, like Tracy was like, we we've had so many amazing moments and so much support. We've helped our clients like leave their jobs and like go full time in their businesses. Like I was just like, Oh my God. Can I really, like, leave this behind? So that was a really, like, sad and, like, transition for me.

Ali Daniel Posco: I had to grieve and it was very, very, very challenging to handle with clients who are currently in the mastermind. 

Kathryn Thompson: That was 

Ali Daniel Posco: very hard. I'm really grateful that I had a friend of mine who was in a mastermind, um, working with a woman who completely changed her mastermind mid Mastermind with her and she told me about it and she told me about her experience.

Ali Daniel Posco: And so I had the like knowing that, you know, it's okay to do that. It's okay to say, Hey, this isn't working for me anymore. And yeah, I need to change. Um, so at least I knew that. okay, that gave me a little bit more [00:20:00] like ease in it, but it was really challenging to one, because I didn't yet know what needed to change and how it was going to look.

Ali Daniel Posco: So I know my clients for about like two or three months started to feel like. Shifts and like, Hey, this isn't exactly, you know, the energy is not here. And I was like, I'm sorry, I know. What can we do to fix it? Like I kept getting feedback from them and trying to fix it, like trying to give them what they asked for.

Ali Daniel Posco: Um, but ultimately it just, you know, the energy wasn't there. Cause I, it wasn't feeling right for me anymore. So. I spent what I did was I spent about two or three weeks, maybe a little longer, but I was tuning into guidance and I was like, what do I do? And the guidance was nothing. Do nothing. Stop trying so hard to figure it out.

Ali Daniel Posco: Stop trying so hard. So that's what I did. I literally cleared my schedule. Like you were saying, I cleared my schedule. I cleared my to do list because up to that point, I had been feeling like my business is broken. I need to fix it. I need to figure this out. And so I was [00:21:00] like, my schedule was so filled. I was starting to work Fridays and weekends, which not every weekend, but I usually took Fridays off and I was working most Fridays was working parts of the weekend.

Ali Daniel Posco: And so I was like trying to fix, I was in that mode of like doing, doing, doing so. The guidance was stop doing, stop trying so hard, just relax. We got this. Um, and so I did, like I said, I cleared my to do list. Part of that was just like putting things on a different to do list that I didn't look at. And if I ever needed to, it was there.

Ali Daniel Posco: So it's not like I was deleting a lot, but I did still delete a lot. But I know when I mentioned that to people, they're like, Oh my God, I could never do that. But do what you need to, to just like clear your Clear it out. You can always have a save for later spot, which is what I put where I put some of my things.

Ali Daniel Posco: But anyway, my to-do list for like three weeks, looked like, you know, answer client messages, get on your calls, and then the rest of the time would just open. I had so much time to just like, be outside of my grass, like walk my dog, just like go to swimming in the pool, just doing [00:22:00] nothing and going back to enjoying my life.

Ali Daniel Posco: back to just kind of being and journaling a lot. I just did a lot of like inner reflection on me and what I wanted. And it just landed just like a couple of weeks into it, two weeks into it. It was like, Oh, there it is. Okay. I know what I want to do. I know what it looks like. And I did chat with a few clients who I felt like were my kind of like ideal clients that I would love to keep working with to get their feedback.

Ali Daniel Posco: Um, because again, as a generator, I love responding to things. So that was really helpful to get that input. Um, and yeah, then I just like literally within a couple of weeks threw together the new membership, the alignment collective. It just flowed so quickly, put it together, have like 20 people in it. And it's just like.

Ali Daniel Posco: It's wonderful. So yeah, that's, and I'm still in that phase of rebuilding. So it's not to say that I'm, I'm like, Oh, I've reached the other side yet, but that has been the process. And that's, I'm so excited to share this because that's been the most in depth like, [00:23:00] um, explanation that I've been able to provide to anyone so far.

Ali Daniel Posco: So that's, that's been cool. Thank you for making space for that. Um, yeah. 

Kathryn Thompson: And so amazing. Cause I think that's the thing that the thing that's often overlooked in the process and you touched on like a really key thing of like the needing to fix the needing to do do do that like gripping as I used to call it like where you grip the business and you're just like I'm gonna figure this out come hell or high water and the more we try to figure it out the more intuition and that channel just go goes quiet.

Kathryn Thompson: Because it's like, well, you're not listening anyway. So I'm just gonna like sit over here while you're ready. It's so 

Ali Daniel Posco: frustrating because then you're like, what am I doing? Like, I need to figure this out. Yeah. And you can't, you just can't figure it out 

Kathryn Thompson: from that place. It's the hardest. It is the hard, can be the hardest place in business.

Kathryn Thompson: And I spot it a lot with clients. I'm just like, what if you did nothing? And I remember saying that to a client and she looked at me like, No, I can't do [00:24:00] 

Ali Daniel Posco: nothing and I'm literally given the same assignment to clients like for the next four days You are literally doing nothing and some of them really struggle with it But they've also said it's been like the most transformative couple of days of their life Totally 

Kathryn Thompson: is it's like you finally can listen to what sort of needs to come through And I feel like I come, like when I left working with you, I didn't work with a coach for a very long time after, cause I was like, you know, I'm just going to sit in my world and do my thing.

Kathryn Thompson: And then I ended up looking for sustainability and I was looking for a coach for the same thing, right? I knew that what I had created, okay, now I want more sustainability. I was doing a lot of done for you copy at the time. I had a few group programs that just weren't it. And I ended up hiring a coach and that was the same, um, sort of advice was like, well, why burn it down?

Kathryn Thompson: Why not create, why not create it in a way that feels more sustainable for you than maybe what you have? And so I did that, launched a program. [00:25:00] I spent a whole year promoting consistently five days a week on social, sending multiple emails a day or a week or whatever. Find one high ticket client into that group beyond the original launch.

Kathryn Thompson: So I had like four people that joined right out of the gate who were more warm people. And then one person that came out of like ads and stuff. And I just remember thinking, Midway through that year, I was like, this isn't it either. And yet I'm in it now. How do I pivot and how do I change? And I was, the energy for me started to go away similarly.

Kathryn Thompson: And by September of that year, I had to, I told them all that I was retiring this program and that they had A few extra months, but, and some of them, um, received the information really well and others did not. Yeah. , 

Ali Daniel Posco: I had some pretty, pretty tech clients Yeah. At times. And I cried on some calls with them.

Ali Daniel Posco: You know, , it was, it was an emotional time [00:26:00] because they were like, I know you care. Yeah. But I don't feel. Okay, with this, you know, and I like, I just had to say like, I get it. I totally understand. Like I get it and it sucks and I'm sorry. Um, and so yeah, I did have a couple, like two clients actually walk away and say, like, I don't want anything to do with the new version of things.

Ali Daniel Posco: And then most of my clients did. Trust me in this new phase. And what's, what's interesting is like the thing that they felt was missing from Scale With Soul when it was kind of like not in its heyday was the community and that energy. And then as soon as we created this, they were like, Oh, here's the community.

Ali Daniel Posco: Here's the energy. Here's what we were like waiting, kind of like wanting and looking for. So like, it is so interesting how, if people do trust, like, and, and I trust that the clients who left, like this wasn't for them, you know, like I trust that that was the right decision for them and the ones that stayed, like it was the right decision for them to stay.

Ali Daniel Posco: And they're actually getting exactly what they [00:27:00] needed. And so it's like a, it's a really interesting place. You can find yourself as a coach when you are like, okay, I'm going to do this for me. I'm going to do what feels aligned for me. And, and for me, the hardest part of creating this membership was like, I kept thinking like, oh, well, what do people need?

Ali Daniel Posco: Oh, like, do they want to hear about that? Or like, would they want it this way? And I'm like, nope, nope, nope, don't go there. I was like my people pleasing self. And the part of me that like really felt like I needed to, uh, be valuable to other people and sound like, nope, that part of me is operating right now.

Ali Daniel Posco: I can like, Thank you for trying to protect me. I'm okay. Like we're good. And just like, what do I actually want? What do, what feels good to me? And for me coming into this next phase of like, where Greg and I are on our like conception journey, we're wanting to have sort of family, this membership and the way that I have built it feels so good and sustainable for that next chapter.

Ali Daniel Posco: Whereas the mastermind did not, like, I could not hold a one year container Go into [00:28:00] parenthood. Like I have no idea what that's gonna throw at me, but I have seen plenty of instances where it just like throws shit up in the air and like people are like, I don't even know who I am anymore. And I'm like, I don't know.

Ali Daniel Posco: I don't want to sign people up for a year long container where who knows if I, If I'm giving birth halfway through, like, what is that? No, I know I can't do that. So it didn't feel good. So that's why the membership does feel so good. But I, I kept having to go back to like, what do I want? What would look, what would feel good for me?

Ali Daniel Posco: How do I want to show up in this space? And, um, like, what is the structure? that feels good for me. And it's a very different structure. Like we've got a private podcast where I answer like all the questions that come out. So instead of being in the Facebook group every day, or instead of having to be on coaching calls and like actually coaching them, I have like the, they have an opportunity to like post all their questions, coaching questions, things that they're going through, because I like what I'm doing in the mastermind is like getting an intake form and like, tell me about yourself.

Ali Daniel Posco: Tell me [00:29:00] what you're struggling with. Tell me what you want to do. Tell me what your long term vision is because I'm going to be pulling that in when I give you coaching or advice or share my insights on the podcast. So I get to like, it's unique, it's different. And it feels really good to me because I can like record that when I'm out on a walk or laying in my backyard.

Ali Daniel Posco: And like, once I do have kids, like I could see how that could also be just something I can do when they're like playing, you know, and I'm over here. So it just, you have to build things in a way that feels good for you now in this season that you're in and looking at your long term vision too, because I know that as I become a mom, like I am not going to want to be on client calls all the time and in Facebook groups all the time.

Ali Daniel Posco: I would, I don't want that. So I, I'm looking more at that long term vision and going back to like what I said about this burn it down phase and the theory that I have, it's that, Like, my theory is we aren't valuing long term mentorship anymore, and because of that, we're really losing sight of our long term vision, our long term goals, our [00:30:00] values, our direction.

Ali Daniel Posco: We're not having a lot of direction anymore, and we're just like jumping from coach to coach because of the immediacy that everyone offers. Do this in 12 weeks, do this in six months, you know, do this, and so, Like, of course we're like, Oh, that sounds good. Oh, that sounds good. But then like, what happens is we get led on this track and we get led on this track and then this track, and that's exactly what happened to me.

Ali Daniel Posco: And again, no regrets because like, I've built an amazing business. I've learned so much. Like I love the path that I've been on. But what I do wish I had was like one person at the top of it who was kind of with me, partnering with me in that mentorship for like long term of like, Hey, and not like, doesn't have to be high ticket.

Ali Daniel Posco: Like it could literally like, does not have to be, I'm working with a coach now and it's like, it's not high ticket. It's just like, Somebody who knows you, who knows your fears, who knows your patterns and your blocks and your unconscious shit, and who also knows your vision, where you're trying to [00:31:00] get to.

Ali Daniel Posco: So even when you do do a course or you work with another coach, like you have them as well to go to like that neutral party. Yeah, exactly. I know you talk about sounding board too, a mirror, a sounding board, somebody to be like, Hey, like, what do you think of this? And they're like, Oh, do you remember that you did X, Y, Z before?

Ali Daniel Posco: And how did that turn out? Or, Hey, I know you want in like three years to be doing this. Is that a path to that? Or is that a distraction, you know? And like, I wish I did have somebody like that throughout my journey. And so that's what. I have tried to create and feel like the membership now does for me.

Ali Daniel Posco: It's more flexible. There's different tiers. You can like upgrade or downgrade depending on what you need, but like you always have me at the center of it, you know, coaching and guiding and supporting. So that's something that I, I just, I'm really, Passion about, and I've been talking about it a lot on, on social media and probably more in blogging soon, but just this idea of like, with this immediate gratification and our fast paced [00:32:00] culture, we have like lost touch with.

Ali Daniel Posco: Needing that long term mentorship. And if we look at like any of the greats in history, whether it's sports stars or like cultural people who have like made big change, They've all had long term mentors. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, 

Ali Daniel Posco: it's like an 

Kathryn Thompson: inner circle. Like they have like an inner circle of people that are like in their corner, supporting them.

Kathryn Thompson: Fighting for them. Yeah, and it's, it's um, I always say this. you know, to clients, but I've said it for a long time is like, if somebody doesn't know you, you hire a coach or mentor, they have to relearn. They have to learn. It has to learn. So much time. And I think that's the thing about the immediacy. Yeah.

Kathryn Thompson: People get so distracted with like, Oh, I want to make the 10 K in 30 days or whatever. Yeah. But it's the problem with that is, is that you get into that mentorship with that coach and that coach doesn't know you from a hole in the ground. It's not that they don't care. It's just all of clients sometimes look at me and they're like, Okay, well, I'm gonna take these [00:33:00] steps.

Kathryn Thompson: These steps feel aligned right now in the moment, building for that long term sustainability, but then they're like, but then what? I'm like, but then why are we thinking about then what now? Like, let's just go create the thing, but we get so distracted, right? We want to, you know, 

Ali Daniel Posco: And I've 

Kathryn Thompson: been there. So like, I'm, yeah, me too.

Kathryn Thompson: Exactly. Me too. 

Ali Daniel Posco: Like I've definitely and shiny objects. Yeah, for sure. It may, you know, it makes so much sense. Of course. And I think the way that we are marketed to as well, like really does capitalize on that. And I know you talk about that a lot, but what I've been like really trying to just hammer home with my clients and just people, anybody who will listen to me really is like, don't like, don't get so caught up in like.

Ali Daniel Posco: You know what your business is going to do in this month or in the next three months, or even in the next six months. Like, I know that it, that can be really challenging because for some of us, we're like, I need money now, but if that's the case, like don't rely on your business for that income, like have some other income if you're like, I need income now [00:34:00] so that you can build your business in a, in a really sustainable and aligned way where you're looking at that long term picture.

Ali Daniel Posco: Cause if you are constantly looking at how can I make the most money right now? You're just building for short term gratification and short term, you know, wins it. This is why we're so many burn it down phases and quitting like is happening because everybody has done that. And so you get to a point where all of a sudden it's like, wait, How did I get here?

Ali Daniel Posco: I don't even know really what I'm doing. Yeah. What have I built? Like, is this really even me? And also like, you're, if you're riding those waves, I think of the like, Oh, this is what works right now. This is what works right now. Then it's like, you're never building anything that does work long term. So you're always going to be stuck in that cycle.

Ali Daniel Posco: I called the death by strategy. 

Kathryn Thompson: Constantly being on that hamster wheel. the trends, right? Hopping on the trends. There was a post I saw, um, a long time [00:35:00] ago and it was someone saying like, nobody wants sustainability. And I was like, bullshit. What? Yeah, like nobody, stop trying to sell people sustainability, sell them the tangible result, the 10k that, and I was just like, Oh, that makes me want to vomit.

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah. And I was like, no, I actually want to sell sustainability because you're right. If you're on constantly on the get client hamster wheel. And you're always building for that. You're always going to stay there because you're only creating from the place that you're creating. 

Ali Daniel Posco: Yeah. You need another new strategy when that trend dies.

Ali Daniel Posco: And like that just, can you imagine like how much havoc that wreaks on your nervous system? And just like, You're always in that state of like, Oh my gosh, how am I going to, how am I going to do this next? Like what happens next? What, what about when this fails? Like that does not feel, yeah. Right. Like we can feel that like viscerally.

Ali Daniel Posco: That's why I was like, Oh, I want to throw up like, Oh, that feels so not good. And I agree with you a hundred percent. Like I want to build my business. And that's why right now, like I'm okay with my business. [00:36:00] with my business making less than it did last year, like making significantly less than it did last year.

Ali Daniel Posco: Yeah, it's a little uncomfortable. Yeah, it's not exactly what I want. And yeah, did I think I'd be in a different place when I was ready to have kids? Yes, a hundred percent. Yeah. But I also know that like, By me giving myself that grace and going a little bit slower and really rebuilding in a slow, sustainable, aligned way in the next year, the next 18 months, it's going to get back to where it was.

Ali Daniel Posco: And then it's going to have that staying power where I know I can say, Oh, I can take, you know, my kids and not focus on my business for a month or two. And I know these systems are set up in place to keep going. Like that, I would so much rather that than be like, okay, I'm, oh my gosh, I'm low on income this month.

Ali Daniel Posco: So what do I need to do right now to make my income? No, I'm not doing that anymore. I'm like, what do I need to do in 18 months to make my income what I want it to be? Like I'm good with that longterm track. And I [00:37:00] get that. Maybe I have that privilege because I've built my business and I have like savings and things, but like, again, if you're not in that place, like get in that place, have a, have a different job, have a part time job.

Ali Daniel Posco: When I wasn't making money in my business yet, I was working part time nannying. I was working part time teaching tennis. Like I wasn't from operating from that place of, I need my business to make money right now. So that would be definitely my advice. If anybody is in that place, like have something else so that you aren't reliant solely on your business.

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, because the pressure is so, we can't create from that place of pressure either, or it's so crippling, and it's like, A, you're not creative, B, you're completely blocking your intuitive channel, and C, you're putting things in place, That only keep you in reactive mode, rather than in response, like sitting there in a grounded place, being able to respond to like, what's coming in to you, um, and say yes to the things you want to say yes to and build it in the same way you want to, or the most aligned way you want to build it.

Kathryn Thompson: [00:38:00] Like, 

Ali Daniel Posco: yeah, even if you do end up creating, like you said, maybe you're creating, maybe you're not, but. Like, is it really going to be content that people are like feeling magnetized by? Are they going to be like, Ooh, this is so good. Or are they going to be like, Hmm, I can feel some things off with this person.

Ali Daniel Posco: I don't really know what, but not for me, you know, they may not know why, but there's going to be a weird, yeah, they're going to feel it. 

Kathryn Thompson: A hundred percent, a hundred percent. Um, which is why in content creation is like, and you touched on this a lot in terms of like the doing, right? Like trying to figure out what do I need to do in order to like build the business?

Kathryn Thompson: What do I need to do to like get in alignment with the bit? Like, it's not about the doing, it's, it's about that being element. So it's like, I have a podcast that went out today and that, that's one of the clips that's going up on social is like, That's the wrong question to ask is like, what do you need to do to attract clients?

Kathryn Thompson: It's like, actually, who do you need to be in your business? Yes. 

Ali Daniel Posco: Yes. They're going to 

Kathryn Thompson: come to you for [00:39:00] that. Yes, you need to have a strategy and yes, you need to have a plan and yes, systems and all the things. But 

Ali Daniel Posco: that also comes from when you're aligned, like when you're embodying this version of yourself that you want to be and that your clients want to be like, it's like those ideas come exactly like I was just sharing with you.

Ali Daniel Posco: with you earlier where I'm in that doing mode of I need to fix, I need to fix, like work, work, work, I got it, like got so many things on my to do list. Nobody likes being in that state, first of all, but second of all, like, was I actually gaining momentum? No, I probably spent like three months in that space thinking it would get me somewhere and it never did.

Ali Daniel Posco: So when I finally was like, you know, it's that moment of you just throw your hands in the air of like, okay, fine. Like, if this isn't working, like, I give up like just show me what to do, you know, and that's I think a moment that a lot of us get to which actually is quite a beautiful moment because we're not giving up we're just surrendering and knowing that like what I'm doing is not working.

Ali Daniel Posco: So, I'm going to give it up and I'm just going to like ask for some guidance here and that's again my guidance was just like stop [00:40:00] just. Enjoy. Enjoy your life. Go do the things that you make you happy right now. And that's when all of the guidance came in. That's when the embodiment of like, Oh, this is actually who I've always wanted to be.

Ali Daniel Posco: And this is exactly who I've been wanting to be this whole time. And this is also who my clients, like. They want to embody this. They want to have the freedom to like, have a slow morning, take their dog for a walk during lunch, lay outside, watch TV, you know, like during the day and just, and enjoy the work that they're doing.

Ali Daniel Posco: Yeah. And so when I got back into that state, like that's where all the clarity came. Right. And then like, Clients are magnetized to that. Yeah. I mean, then I, the new offer, like, I mean, we got 20 people in within a matter of weeks, so I didn't even launch, like I didn't do a launch. I sent a couple of emails.

Ali Daniel Posco: I talked about it a little tiny bit on social media. But most of what I did was just like connecting with clients who I, yeah, who I like actually really love and, um, have always connected with and was [00:41:00] like, Hey, I'm launching this, like any interest, I can tell you more if you want to hear about it. And yeah, that's how it, how most people came in, you know, a couple of people came in through Instagram and through my emails, but.

Ali Daniel Posco: Most people are just organic conversation. Um, it was easy. Yeah. Yeah. 

Kathryn Thompson: And that's all, that's the aligned path, right? Like it can be fun and easy, especially as a generator type. Like I'm a manager. And so mine's all around like the satisfaction and what brings me alive in my body. Right. It's like, if it's not bringing me the energy, It ain't go.

Kathryn Thompson: It's got to go. A hundred percent. A hundred percent. And when I think back to the moments where things were really hard in my business, both businesses, I was, I was going so against natural flow and trying to make things work. 

Ali Daniel Posco: Make it. Yeah. That's the energy, exactly the same energy that I've gotten into a couple of times in my business where it's like, Oh my gosh, like, Okay, things aren't working.

Ali Daniel Posco: What do I need to do to figure it out? And [00:42:00] it doesn't. Yeah. Like if I could give some advice here, it's like, if you ever get into that state where you feel like, Oh my gosh, what do I need to do? Figure this out. How do I fix this? Stop doing that. It does not work. It just, like you said, it leads to more of that like grippy grasping energy where you're like trying to grasp at straws and like just falling.

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah. 

Ali Daniel Posco: And the 

Kathryn Thompson: burnout stage, I think, comes from that. Like, especially for generators. Oh, yeah. It comes from doing things that we're not satisfied with, but then also trying to make things work and figure it out. It's like that mental exhaustion. And then we try a bunch of things because we're trying to figure it out, and then they don't work.

Kathryn Thompson: And then we've put this effort in. Oh, it's like worse. Like, I'm putting in all this effort, and I'm not getting results. And I'm like, I've been there and it's that mental exertion of trying to figure it out. Yeah. 

Ali Daniel Posco: Yeah. Yeah. And unfortunately the burnout doesn't help anybody like not just us, but like our clients too.

Ali Daniel Posco: Like I, I wouldn't say I [00:43:00] had reached that burnout point yet, but I was. on the track where I was like doing, doing, doing, try and figure it out. And so that lasted like three months. And I was like, yeah, my energies is not here. And my clients could feel it. They weren't, you know, feeling the same kind of like momentum and vibe that I was trying to give out, even though we were doing everything the same, like nothing really changed.

Ali Daniel Posco: That's the crazy energetics is like, we didn't really change anything. Um, I did change path to freedom a little bit. So like, The enrollments into Scale With Soul were a little bit slower. So I would say there was a couple less clients coming in than normal, but there was still like 12, 13 people in the group.

Ali Daniel Posco: So it's not like it was, you know, quiet with like three or four people. But what was interesting was I think it was just that total energy shift around. Like I knew that it wasn't quite right. Um, and I was burning myself out trying to fix it and my clients just felt it. So they kind of withdrew. And so the community that was there three months prior, like.

Ali Daniel Posco: All of a sudden started to [00:44:00] just get quiet, even though again, we were still doing the group calls. We still had like Facebook support. I wasn't, you know, it just like we weren't really doing anything different, but the energy was just like, 

Kathryn Thompson: yeah, and that's it. So it's, it's so interesting because like a big part of the work that I do in spellbound or that I like it.

Kathryn Thompson: is, is work on myself to stay, like, for my own nervous system to stay grounded. And the experience, I think, is quite a bit different than probably a lot of other experiences, in that a lot of them are very like, they're highly productive. Like, you gotta do this, this, this, and this. And a lot of people that come into Spellbound are like, I actually came in, yes, There's beautiful mentorship within it, but it's also like I rewired my nervous system, just being in your world because you weren't at us being like, must do this.

Kathryn Thompson: And every day there's something. Did you do that? Did you do that? Yeah. Like it's, it's like none of that. It's like this, it's a very, but I need, I needed to get in like, I, my nervous system, that's the way for me is to like, make sure that I'm regulated. So the group [00:45:00] is regulated. And then if you come in disreg, disregulated, you almost become regulated because you're like, and that it's so 

Ali Daniel Posco: faced with 

Kathryn Thompson: that.

Ali Daniel Posco: Yeah, you have the choice. It's 

Kathryn Thompson: like, Oh, this 

Ali Daniel Posco: isn't right for me. Cause it doesn't feel good. Or it's like, okay, like, let me learn how to 

Kathryn Thompson: do this. Yeah. Just go down to sort of like, breathe a bit. I had a client who was like, this in and of itself was worth the investment. Even though. The program is to help you write content, all the funnel and all of that, but like, it wasn't even that.

Kathryn Thompson: It was the fact that I was like, overly hyperproductive. 

Ali Daniel Posco: Yeah. 

Kathryn Thompson: To learn to like, not be right. 

Ali Daniel Posco: Full circle for you, like starting there and like going on that whole journey of, uh, like eliminate, not eliminating, but like removing yourself from that, like hustle mentality and learning how to. Really like find your worth outside of your achievements and outside of the doing and now like you being in that space Your clients get that too and like what?[00:46:00] 

Ali Daniel Posco: Medicine and that's why people always say like your clients can only go like as deep and as far as you go yourself So if you're in if you're not healing that like your clients can't either and it's just gonna like perpetuate that cycle 

Kathryn Thompson: Do you remember the question you asked me? Uh, that like totally stumped me.

Ali Daniel Posco: Um, I know, I remember the moment. Um, and it was something around like, what are you afraid will happen? Or what, what does it mean if you're not doing, is that what it was? 

Kathryn Thompson: No, it was the baby. Well, it was similar, but it was like the baby question was like, you know, um, like what would you, yeah. Like what's your worth and value as a baby?

Kathryn Thompson: And I was just, I couldn't like. And then it was like, so now as an adult, like, if you weren't, yeah, like weren't doing anything basically, but it was kind of like, what, what was your worth and value as a baby? And I was just like, so stumped. And then you're like, what's your worth and value now? Like, if you didn't have a job and you didn't have a business, you had nothing, like, what [00:47:00] would your value and worth be?

Kathryn Thompson: And I was like, nothing, because I'm not contributing to society. 

Ali Daniel Posco: Right. So then it's like, Oh, so a baby is worth nothing. Or even like disabled people, right? Like people who can't work, are they worth nothing? Yeah. And it's like, Oh, interesting. You're like, Oh, perspective shift right there. And I know you talk about that too.

Ali Daniel Posco: Like some of the Best things we can do for people is provide those perspective shifts like, Oh, wow, I never looked at it that way. And that is like, so, so valuable. It's the most valuable thing. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, it's the most value because it was like such an aha moment. I was like, holy My goodness, what am I? I'm so hard 

Ali Daniel Posco: on myself.

Kathryn Thompson: But then I was like, interesting how that like, the shift is then like, changes the trajectory of your like, path in your life. And it's, to me, that's the most value. Like, I always say, I'm like, we can map out the best strategy in the world and the plan and all of the things. But [00:48:00] if it's like, how you're showing up and how you're being and your own inner.

Kathryn Thompson: World isn't aligned and tune, thriving or whatever, in tune and all of that, your business is only gonna be that reflection. And so the strategy can, will probably feel really fricking hard. And 

Ali Daniel Posco: yeah, 

Kathryn Thompson: it's, yeah, 

Ali Daniel Posco: and you may have success for a while, but then again you're gonna reach that point where it's either burn it down, quit, or keep 

Kathryn Thompson: hustling

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah. Keep pushing and pushing and pushing till the point I'm, I'm a firm believer that like you can only go so far, like eventually, eventually, you'll have to quit. Something will manifest physically, emotionally, whatever it's going to start to come out. 

Ali Daniel Posco: Yeah, yeah, that's exactly how I like why I feel like I got sick in the first place.

Ali Daniel Posco: It was like that manifestation just had to happen to get me out of that pattern of like just avoidance, you know, avoiding feeling, avoiding being present, avoiding like intentionality. So yeah, it's [00:49:00] something like you said will happen to like grab you and like shake you. Yeah, totally. 

Kathryn Thompson: Is there anything else you'd love to share with people that maybe we haven't touched on?

Kathryn Thompson: I feel like we touched on 

Ali Daniel Posco: like so many, it's like one of my favorite conversations. Yeah, gosh. Um, I mean, I, I don't think so. I think the long term mentorship thing, I would really just encourage you guys to like not coach hop as much. Um, and to just really be intentional about like the next person that you hire, you know, the next coach that you hire and See if you can find somebody who's more long term.

Ali Daniel Posco: I guess that would be the thing is like, I know we touched on the long term thing, but I think the, uh, the last thing that I would probably want to leave, leave people with is just to like, stop focusing so much on that short term and really start building for the long term and just knowing that it's okay if things [00:50:00] are slower.

Ali Daniel Posco: It like our culture is so obsessed with fast paced and immediacy, but like, don't be fooled. That doesn't, that's not the only way. And. There is honestly a much better and like easeful way to do it, and it's okay to do that. It doesn't make you less successful, doesn't make you less worthy. Exactly. It doesn't make you less good or intelligent.

Ali Daniel Posco: It's just you doing it your way. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, it's like eyes on your own boat, so to speak, like, keep your eyes on your track, but also having like that long term sounding board mentorship ally in your business that can help you, um, and be the, yeah, be the eyes that knows you, you know, because I think it's so 

Kathryn Thompson: important.

Ali Daniel Posco: Yeah, like, of course, we want to do that for ourselves, but like, let's be honest, we don't all the time. And so it is like really invaluable to have that person. And like, I've been working with my therapist [00:51:00] now for like five years. Yeah, since 2020. Okay, not quite four years. Um, But yeah, like that feels so good.

Ali Daniel Posco: She doesn't obviously know the business stuff as much. So that's why for me, it was kind of important to have somebody who could do both like the business and the inner stuff. Um, so that's why I sought out somebody more like I was, I'm looking for a spiritual mentor. I put that out earlier this year, and I went to one of my friends events here in San Diego.

Ali Daniel Posco: Um, Energetics of Business. Going to give it a shout out because it's an awesome event. Oh, goodness. But anyway, I met my spiritual mentor and advisor and long term person there. So, get out into the world and meet people and, uh, look for something, yeah, long term. Emma. 

Kathryn Thompson: Yeah, I love it. Where can people find you if they want to reach out to you chat with you?

Kathryn Thompson: What's the best way to for them to find you? 

Ali Daniel Posco: Yes, [00:52:00] so I would say Instagram is probably the best way to still find me at this point. I am on there pretty frequently but my blog also or website and blog punchdrunksoul. com. I'm on Instagram at punchdrunksoul. Um, obviously on Instagram, I do a lot of behind the scenes and just like me living my life stuff.

Ali Daniel Posco: Um, plus sharing all sorts of things, business related and spirituality related. Um, but my blog, I'm feeling like I'm going to start writing a lot more like lifestyle as well as business, as well as just like all the energetics and the mindset and spirituality stuff. So that'll be a fun. fun outlet for me.

Ali Daniel Posco: Um, and then I also have my own podcast. So The Punch Drunk Soul Podcast. Um, so if you guys love podcasts, definitely go check that out. Kathryn's actually gonna come join me on there soon. So we'll do another episode all about Kathryn and her journey. So excited for that as well. But I would say, yeah, those are the best places to come find me.

Kathryn Thompson: Great, great, great. And we will link all of those up in the show notes so that they're easily accessible for everybody. [00:53:00] It means, yeah, such a pleasure hearing your story, your journey connecting in this way. It's been such a fun conversation. And I know my audience is going to love it because, um, they, yeah, they want sustainability.

Kathryn Thompson: They want to do things differently. Um, they're looking, they're all into like the woo and spirituality and energetics and all that jazz. So I know they're going to love it. Oh, you guys. Yeah. Love it. Awesome. 

INTRO:: Awesome. Yeah. 

Kathryn Thompson: Awesome. 

INTRO:: Thanks 

Kathryn Thompson: everyone. 

INTRO:: Thanks for listening. We'll see you right back here next time.

INTRO:: You can also find us on social media at creativelyowned and online at creativelyowned. com. Until next time, keep showing up as your authentic self.